Posts by Risa.Hanae (JapZilla)

    I am sure it is possible, especially if you are looking for watercolor. I made a project for class and painted it with koolaide and coffee which gave a cool watercolor effect. I will see what I can come up with Happy

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    I challenge xXJackieXx to make a sea monster accessory. (ex: tote bag, shoes, etc)

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    She said it might be over filled. And in true mom fashion she said "be careful and don't get electrocuted" haha she said she thinks she got it in the 80's but she can't remember.

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    This iron was my mom's too. lol I don't use the water function too often so I will ask her about it and get back to you. The year I will have to ask her too Haha. I think she got it before I was born or just after because I remember this iron always there! So 1987-ish? @_@ eep!

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    Ah! I totally have this iron!!! Same generation of iron it looks like. Lol sorry I didn't see this until now. Glad you figured it out. Happy

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    I recently re-discovered perler beads this past December and have been on a perler bead frenzy! Before that I was on a knitting hats frenzy.

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    Challenge accepted cupcake Happy !!!

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    I challenge Lowe to make a project involving your favorite vegetable, your favorite animal, and the third thing you see after looking away from this post. Happy PS. DONE! I will post my white ingredient project soon! Although I read it as bake instead of cook. eep! does it still count??

    I'll take another challenge!

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    Oh that is a good one Lowe! Syeyon, I have finished the origami jewelry and will post soon.

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    I challenge this one laydi to make something themed on her favorite snack!


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    Ohh fun!!

    Okay, I challenge IrisMakesStuff to make a project based on her favorite book. (If you wat an extra challenge: out of recycled materials). Happy

    ooo me next, please!

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    @ Kt Bing: that sounds amazing!!!

    I have started trying to figure out what I am making for everyone this year. I usually try to make things functional AND aesthetically pleasing. One year I made blankets. The next year I made body pillows to go with the blankets. One year I made food stuffs (always a winner). ...this year though I am stumped. So it is taking a while. So, yeah, I am at the brainstorming stage. Happy

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