Posts by Tasha M.

    Aah man I wish I had that website when I attempted box pleats a while back. Just spent hours scratching my head trying to work it out!

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    Hi there, one of my sewing machines,which is just as basic a sewing machine you can buy has recently started being a bit awkward, it keeps dropping stitches in both zigzag and straight stitch. After a while it also breaks the thread from the top bobbin. It doesnt seem to be a problem with either the thread or the tension and I tried different settings..

    Has anyone else had similar problems and found a solution?

    Thanks muchly Happy


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    You're welcome Happy enjoy your new machine!

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    Looks like you need to pay £5 via paypal for a manual which isnt bad at all : What kind of help do you need with it. If its just threading it and using the boobin winder thingy it looks pretty similar to other vintage machines. I've had quite a few sewing machines now so using them is pretty natural to me now. Give me a shout if you need help!

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    This website is quite quick and simple for sewing machine trouble:

    For me the usual thing that works for most problems is to take the bottom bobbin out, give it a good wiggle/shake and re-thread the bobbin. Seems silly but it works for me.

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