Aren't Freya meant to be good for big bras? They are quite pretty anyway.
Eurgh, I recently found out i have hyperprolactinemia and have gone up 2 cups in the past few months so won't be long till I'm in the same boat as you!
Posts by Tasha M.
Oh dear Rawr Rawr - I was in the sames position as you with my ex who I was with from the age of 16 to 22, I didnt realise how different we had become until I went abroad for a year and realised I much preferred time with my friends. Breaking up was very difficult but it was for the best. He also got suicidal but I simply did not want to be with him and nothing could change that. One thing that I think did help him is that we stayed friends for a while and gradually stopped seeing and speaking to each other less.
He was very lazy too and it wasn't until we split up that he admitted that he was expecting for me to finish uni and get a good job so that he could stay home and play video games!!
The plus side of it is that when we were together he wanted to go travelling around asia when we finished uni which I didn't want to as I wanted to focus on my career - he's now living other there and I'm sure he is happier than ever.
As Olivia said definetely do it in person, it is the least you can do. But if I were you do it sooner rather than later so that you can start to spend time on yourself and doing what you want to do without him holding you back.
haha Mi Ezekatze, my nose piercing took 10 years of thinking!! Finally got it done 2 years ago - I was a bit worried as I wanted to have a career in business and thought it might get in the way. Luckily I landed a job where they value your work more than how you look so it doesnt matter. Applying for a new job within the organisation in another department where I think the manager isn't quite as laid back though so I guess I'll have to take it out for the interview.
I really wish people wouldn't judge others on how they look and the music they listen to, it's really starting to piss me off!! Back when I was 15/16 I can remember telling my stepdad that I wanted to study international management, he basically laughed in my face as I had blue hair, a plug and plenty piercings, saying that I would never make it. 10 years on I have studied at 2 of the best business schools in the world and got the job I was hoping for in the first place.
PS: Loving the fact the kids love them I've just got these visions of "miss, why do you have big holes in your ears?"
Very true So Lala, I once went to the doctors for an infected piercing ( I was 14 and clueless) and he basically just told me he could not help me and to go to the piercer, which I did got some solution and it was sorted within a few weeks.
There is a risk with all piercings - even just your lobe but to be honest I've heard of a lot more people having problems with piercings than stretched ears.
linkxthexemo - I don't understand: blue screwdriver bits??
hehe I was in a similar situation to you - I had a 15mm plug (no idea what that is in gauges) in one of my ears but about 9 years ago had to take them out for a uni interview, I never manged to get the plug back in. I also tried stretching again but an event always came up where I needed to take it out.
I still have a line where the plug used to be but don't regret it either way - I don't wish I still had it and don't think they look horrible. However I do still think they look really nice on men (your wife has good taste ).
S**t PJ that sounds awful!! You obviously made the right choice by moving out.
Skyrock is a main one, although they mainly play rap/rnb music
NRJ was my favorite when I used to live there
Others are Europe 1 and Fun Radio.
I can also reccommend watching the Taxi films, La Haine, Amelie and dinner de cons.
But I definetly agree with Pink Weeds, it's a change you need to make for life. Once I've lost the few pounds I have left I'll cut down to exercising once or twice a week rather than just stopping, I think I need it as I work in an office environment.
Strangely I'v never managed to lose a single pound through dieting, including those boring slim fast and special k diets but I started excercising 4 times a week an lost nearly 3 stone/40 pounds and went down 2 dress sizes.
Exercise is really good for stress levels too and at the moment I'm running 5 days a week after work along the river where I live which is lovely.
Not sure which country you're in but in the UK this is caused by the millions of injury lawyer adverts on tv. I had a pretty serious crash 8 year ago and chose not to sue as it was an accident, one of the other cars involved in the crash did sue me for whiplash and some clothes in the back of her car got wet but as me crashing into her was another persons fault it just got passed on to her. However for the 3 years after the crash I was being harassed by personal injury lawyers claiming I could get 3000 pounds for whiplash!!! It only affected me for a few days and could still go about my daily life.
There used to be a funny advert on tv where this girl with a bad haircut sued her employer as she slipped on wet floor and there was no sign- and of course she got some ridiculous amount of money for it!
Anyway its a real shame that they decided to do that - does your car insurance not cover this?
Jut realised as I'm writing this there is an ad saying: Have you been injured? How much could you claim? take our 30 second test
I agree - it is completely normal. The second one generally asks more job specific questions though, so best to get prepared again.
* mistake: I could not be cured.
Hey, I've had Panic disorder now for 10 years, trust me these things get better with time. I've had every pill and every treatment they could try and could be cured. At my worst when it first started I didn't leave the house for about 2 months. I think I just gradually got used to it and also learnt things to make me feel better, for exampole if I go to the cinema, I sit on an isle seat.
Even though I still have attacks, I have learnt that even though I feel horrible,it always passes and that helps me live a normal life.
Also, never listen to what other people are saying, they havent experienced what you are feeling so they can't judge!
Little miss - glad your focussing on the positive - it's the best way to do it And trust me it will get better!!
I agree with Michelle, I can pretty much guarantee your friends will change their minds before they actually apply to college. It's nice to have dreams though!
I pretty much chose my degree - International Management and Modern languages at random as I didnt want to study languages on their own and picked whichever course made sense to go with languages. Never thought of studying that before and turns out I absolutely loved it, now working in International Trade and never wished I did anything else.
Fair enough!!