Posts by Sugarlishes

    I want:

    ~A sticker Machine
    ~ A Printer
    ~ A Pasta roller for my polymer clay
    ~ and a Dye cutter machine Happy

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    very long time ago...i was at my brother and sister-law's wedding at the lake...after the wedding we could all get in our bathing suits and go swimming...i am so use to women's bathroom on the right and men's on the left...well without a second glance i walk right into the "right" bathroom and was staring at my then bf with a horror look on his face..I laughed at him telling him he was in the wrong bathroom when another guy from the party walked out of the changing stall bare ass naked. I gasped and realized i was in the wrong bathroom and hurried away. lol

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    Begins to quickly mod podge one of the zombies with pink and black tissue papers.

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    "I heard of fainting goats....but fainting i seen everything." Takes phone pics and email it to her dad.

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    Raises an eyebrow at kt and then proceeds to jump in the air spraying bullets at 2 ugly zombies near Jenna.

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    "Wow, nice shot." Sug said as she took out two hand guns and aimed at the stragglers. "It seems they were knitting a big net to catch us!"

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    Sugarlishes watches in amazement as she got her flamethrower out.

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    we miss you Tara!! Happy I know once you are able to get the crafting flowing again its going to be amazing!! Cant wait!!

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    ashley green

    ryan reynolds...yummmy

    rachel wiesz

    some of my other favorites Happy

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    i dont have photoshop i use, google it and get it, its free and its just the same but easier. Happy

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    SUG IS HERE! WOOT, WHO HAS SUMMONED ME? I am still battling it out with the evil mutli color boards that is causing temporary blindness! Happy

    Any who Hey Katia Ruby, Nice meeting you and your space cows! Happy Now I must go off and rescue a little child for she is making it rain grilled ham/cheese sandwiches instead of eating them o.O


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    I say go for it! That is a sure way to make new friends and be able to hang with ppl that have the same interests as they do!

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    I just got off the phone with her fabulous Tara, she had her baby 5:17 in the morning her time I believe.

    She has a very handsome baby boy Ryker who is 8 pounds!

    She will be home sometime tommorow.

    And yes she is doing great and both her and Ryker are doing very well!

    Congrats Tara!! Cant wait to see pics!

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