Posts by Sugarlishes
I GOT MY NEW LAPTOP YAYAYAYA AND MY TOOTH FIXED! (which is still sore from that big huge needle) :
shivi i see you finally got a profile pic, its so cute!!
We love you Tom, do what ya gotta do, we will still be here and coming back lol
we are already married, I never got my wedding so I am hoping before he leaves for iraq in August we can do a renew vows ceremony.
He got me my ring since my orignal wedding ring broke last summer. Not sure if some of you remember how devitstated I was about it I wrote it in a rant...but anywho back to getting girls ready for school bus.
I thought that tottally rocked!!!
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i am happy that the hubby bought me my laptop, camera and my WEDDING RING!! wooot!!!
that is just adorable!!! I love the Rona
commander ryker comes into my mind from star trek....Ryker kicks arse!!!!!
I had a good time last night till i got hit with a migrane from hell and felt like puking and I didnt even had that much too drink.
woot woot I am going out tonight. My bestie is taking me out, yayaya its been so long. I hope I dont look silly shaking my tail feathers lol
Grats Roma!
that would be exciting for you to meet the Cokeepers while your there I want pics and then you will have no excuss to come see me in texas lololol