Posts by Lindsey N.


    Well here's a new direction for you.

    (Im Only Human Sometimes by William Control just in case!)

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    I LOVE THE GUITAR!! The relaxing voice makes me think of summer skies.

    Okay just a warning, my taste in music is pretty spastic, haha!

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    I love that this topic was created. I totally agree with Jessi.

    Im 17 years old, and I graduate this spring (yay 2011!)

    There are people in my high school that think they are all that.
    I go to school in a pretty well off neighborhood and so not only do I have to deal with immature people , I have to deal with superficial immature people with money. I can't tell you how many stories I have heard of dealing with drugs and alchohol parties.
    It doesn't matter what kind of clique they are in, there are immature people everywhere. There are kids who try to be a rebel and to be completely unique but end up looking foolish as they blame their loudspastic actions on being "hyper". There are kids who seem to think they are "totally the shiz" and treat other people with contempt, and this goes with not only social standing but with ethnictiy as well! RIDICULOUS!

    Ughh! In my neighborhood, all the little 6 year olds have phones. I DIDN'T GET A PHONE UNTIL I WAS 16. How the heck does a girl spend 2000 dollars on clothes alone each year? Why do I know of three girls (my age mind you) that are or have been pregnant???
    I am fed up with the disrespect, the obscenity, and the thought process that acting like a hyperactive loud child makes you "unique". When will kids learn that actions have consequences?? (probably never..)

    It makes me want to throw tables.

    But it feels great to let this off my chest.

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    Hey, so I found this fun little game on a music website somewhere and I decided to start it on CO+K!

    Here's how to play:

    I shall post a song.

    The next person will rate the song out of 10
    (0 being the worst and 10 being the awesomest) and they will also post a song for the next person to rate!


    I have found a lot of good music through this hahaHappy

    After all, one of the best gifts of all is the gift of music!

    Okay, here we go.

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    I listen to anything depending on my mood.
    But usually, my crafting soundtrack consists of jazz, electronic/electropop, downtempo kind of music.

    My current favorite!

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    Well, I actually have a listHappy :

    -In the Sunby She and Him
    -Happiness by Goldfrapp (Perfect!)
    -Wouldn't it be nice by the Beach Boys
    -Into Yesterday by Sugar Ray
    -Slurgenshitter by Pogo (Trust me, it sounds better than it looks)
    -Truck by THe Octopus Project
    -The Beating of a Lifetime by Appreciation Post
    -Sleepyhead by The Passion Pit
    -Happy Up There by Royksopp xD

    Really, check it out! Happy

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    Oooo lets see, currently my favorites are...

    -Hawthorne Heights
    -Trust Co.
    -Aaron Copland
    -She and Him
    -Scary Kids Scaring Kids (lol)

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    *Yes Harry Potter is totally AWESOME Happy

    I recently read The Monstrumologist by Rick Yancey. It's a horror fiction book that I found absolutely enticing.

    The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini was a book that I read almost in one sitting; it was so engaging.

    The Gemma Doyle Trilogy by Libba Bray was a series that I LOVED.

    I know I have more favorites, but I can't remember them right now...

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    Good question. Thousands of years ago due to the constant strain of the weather, llamas decided to drastically change the food chain to fit their appetite: the wondrous grakou bean. Due to the amazing healing qualities and ability to turn into edible gold, the llamas had to hide their hoard of magical beans from all of the animal kingdom and humanity. However, eventually the geological explorers of that age (through their clandestine spy intelligence, the surreptitious squirrels) captured the secret docking base of the llamas who by then had been importing the beans underground from the Galapagos Islands to disperse to other llamas in the Americas and ultimately the WORLD. Ever since, their change in food, llamas have held a blood feud against humanity, forever spitting as an act of insult to humanity whenever reminded of their beloved grakou bean..

    Poor llamas.

    Why IS a raven like a writing desk? Tongue

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    WELLS, I don't know what your style is but here is what I did.

    I decorated one side of my wall with photos that I took with my friends and random things. Instead of one HUGE picture frame, I made a grouping of different sized pics. It looks pretty coolHappy

    And while digging in my basement, I found some leftover picture frames. I spray painted them white and use them as jewelery holders.

    Other random ideas that I have been meaning to try:

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    Huh. Well you don't see THAT everyday...

    lol poor guy!

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    Yahh, thats a prettyy awesome site lol

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    Ahh yes, I remember it clearly...

    I was randomly browsing around when a VERY cute felt donut caught my eye. It was convienent that it was during my sewing craze Happy

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