Posts by Lindsey N.


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    Good question. Thousands of years ago due to the constant strain of the weather, llamas decided to drastically change the food chain to fit their appetite: the wondrous grakou bean. Due to the amazing healing qualities and ability to turn into edible gold, the llamas had to hide their hoard of magical beans from all of the animal kingdom and humanity. However, eventually the geological explorers of that age (through their clandestine spy intelligence, the surreptitious squirrels) captured the secret docking base of the llamas who by then had been importing the beans underground from the Galapagos Islands to disperse to other llamas in the Americas and ultimately the WORLD. Ever since, their change in food, llamas have held a blood feud against humanity, forever spitting as an act of insult to humanity whenever reminded of their beloved grakou bean..

    Poor llamas.

    Why IS a raven like a writing desk? Tongue

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