Posts by Lindsey N.

    Ohh naturally.

    I met this one girl a while back. She was crazy and fun at first but then I quickly realized that she was like that ALL THE TIME.

    On top of that, she's also pretty obsessive. Calls like no tommorrow, and when I do pick up, she acts all insane on the phone. There were many awkward silences. Don't get me wrong, I love to be crazy and fun myself, but I know when to be serious too.

    I agree with what PinkWeeds said. Ignore her, and she'll get the message.

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    I love that this topic was created. I totally agree with Jessi.

    Im 17 years old, and I graduate this spring (yay 2011!)

    There are people in my high school that think they are all that.
    I go to school in a pretty well off neighborhood and so not only do I have to deal with immature people , I have to deal with superficial immature people with money. I can't tell you how many stories I have heard of dealing with drugs and alchohol parties.
    It doesn't matter what kind of clique they are in, there are immature people everywhere. There are kids who try to be a rebel and to be completely unique but end up looking foolish as they blame their loudspastic actions on being "hyper". There are kids who seem to think they are "totally the shiz" and treat other people with contempt, and this goes with not only social standing but with ethnictiy as well! RIDICULOUS!

    Ughh! In my neighborhood, all the little 6 year olds have phones. I DIDN'T GET A PHONE UNTIL I WAS 16. How the heck does a girl spend 2000 dollars on clothes alone each year? Why do I know of three girls (my age mind you) that are or have been pregnant???
    I am fed up with the disrespect, the obscenity, and the thought process that acting like a hyperactive loud child makes you "unique". When will kids learn that actions have consequences?? (probably never..)

    It makes me want to throw tables.

    But it feels great to let this off my chest.

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