Posts by Lindsey N.

    Polish Girl by Neon Indian! My new summer favorite!

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    I love Owl City with a passion. My favorite song is the first song I ever heard from him: Designer Skyline. Every other song from him is a close second Happy

    Have you heard of his other music?
    -Port Blue, Swimming with Dolphins, etc
    Just as amazing!

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    Ohh naturally.

    I met this one girl a while back. She was crazy and fun at first but then I quickly realized that she was like that ALL THE TIME.

    On top of that, she's also pretty obsessive. Calls like no tommorrow, and when I do pick up, she acts all insane on the phone. There were many awkward silences. Don't get me wrong, I love to be crazy and fun myself, but I know when to be serious too.

    I agree with what PinkWeeds said. Ignore her, and she'll get the message.

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    The film turned out to be better than what I expected.

    Although I was fairly annoyed when the audience started laughing and clapping at innapropriate moments like Bathilda's appearance..

    No matter, I am so excited for the next installment!! AHH!!

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    My friend sent me this video.

    It made me smile, so I decided to share it with just about everyone that I knew. And CO+KHappy

    <object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value=";hl=en_US"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=";hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>

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    Ohmygosh loving this thread!~
    And I definitely love this blog!

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    Welcome back!


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    I must admit, when I saw the words "zombie nurse" I thought of the nurses from Silent Hill. Scary stuff.

    But anyway, dye it if you can, or just make due with a white one and "zombie-ify" it up with the shreding, blood, and whatnot.

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    Oooo I hate it when my clay gets too hard or too soft.

    What I do with hardened clay is place it by my heater. It warms them up pretty well and them I can mould it. And when clay gets too soft, I chuck it in the refrigerator. I don't know about fimo, but I use sculpey.
    Note that if you leave clay out unprotected, like in the sun, the clay kind of "cooks" itself. So make sure your clay is in a protected spot.

    Oh yeah, and with pastels. I only buy white, tan, dark brown,and black clay. I make my own colors using oil pastels. If I wanted a pink lets say, Ill take some shavings off of the red pastel and mix it with my white clay until I get the perfect shade of rose pink!

    Hope I helped!

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    Ahh I love this songHappy Used to listen to it 24/7 a while back.
    It has a kind of bittersweet vibe to it.

    <object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value=";hl=en_US"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=";hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>

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    Ooo I just took this test, and I got an almost tie between Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw. Hufflepuff won by a smidge.
    It seems pretty legit.

    AAand Im curious as to know what happened to your traitorous best friend and ex!

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    I really need to start thinking about Christmas presents early because instead of buying things, I like to make gifts for people. Happy

    Mmm, well, Im thinking about making a ton of emotion themed cds for the music lover friend of mine. Of course, Im making each cd case and decorating it according to the genre.

    For my best friends, Im working on a mini scrapbook of all our adventures together, pics and all!

    For the really girlie friends of mine, Im planing on making them some little cute plushies, lip gloss with their favorite scent, lotions, perfume, aaand of course Im going to glam up the containers xD

    Bracelets, necklaces, rings, all with charms that I like to make out of polymer clay. Care packages with play dough when they are bored, a small stuffed animal for comfort, a cd to relax to, and candy for the they want a snack...the list in my mind goes on and on.. Wow this was a long post!

    OH! And there are tons of tutorials to do all these things online and on CO+K!

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    I am in love with the vocals and that strong tune.
    And I am jealous of you!!

    Okay, it starts out really loud, so turn down your speakers quick

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    Oooo a growing designer by 10?

    There is no doubt that Cecilia has the talent and drive, but I kind of was annoyed when she said "I have to have this..I can't live without it." It reminded me of my little hedonistic cousin, the one with the loud valley girl voice. BUT Cecilia is 10, and a little girl at that.

    Hopefully in a few years her clothes will have only but improved!

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    Thanks for clearing up the confusion PinkWeeds!

    And as for the song, I rate a 8.10!
    I love the smoothness of the melody and the singer's voice is sultry. Although at times her voice clashed with the instrumentals just slightly in my opinion.
    I like the sound in this song. The music video made me smile Happy

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