Crafty (l) Indie?

31 replies since 13th May 2008 • Last reply 13th May 2008

i feel the connection too
some people though
just are bohoish and indieish and just really cool
but some of the people are really craft and DIY
i love those kind of people because most of the crafty ones are not snobs

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I totally agree with both Kitten and Queen, about both the punk and the indie scene. I guess I'm the "hippie-indie-goth-punker"... I guess, lol... I'm not quite sure what my "label" is, but I know that I listen to what I BELIEVE to be indie and punk bands, and the music just kind of seems to... fit. I also agree with the indie for independent and the DIY people... OBVOIUSLY being independent.

so what I'm really saying is... I don't really have a single original thought Happy

so yay for being all "hippie-indie-goth-punker" and NOT AT ALL ORIGINAL Happy

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