Miley Cyrus

75 replies since 20th April 2008 • Last reply 20th April 2008


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lmao! haha nice!

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> these kids will grow out of it, like High School Musical..

I'm just going to have to call out my mate who posts on here ("Narrator") as being a huge High School Musical fan, even though he's in his mid-twenties ;)

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omg xD ...

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Corbin Bleu Happy

Ah, he's a cutie pie fer sureeee!

I do admit though, I have Miley's "See You Again" stuck in my head!
She's really not that bad you guys. You want some really bad girls, go check out a real High School these days!

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just not my style at all

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Not my style either -_-'

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Gotta getcha head in the game, yo.

For realz, we're all in this together!

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cant stand miley cyrus. she cant sing... ugh i just haaate her!!

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i dont mind miley cyrus. i mean. i dont go around judging people just from what i heard/saw from the media. so i cant really judge her until i somehow meet her (which most likely wont happen). Tongue

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Yeah i think its Vanity Fair.
i doubt that Miley Cyrus would have an account on Vampire Freaks.

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She has really pretty hair....

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Gosh, Miley is the next Britney. I cannot wait for her to shave her head and marry her back up dancer.

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Miley Cyrus is total, utter, absolute, and complete crap.

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I can't stand her, but her new song has grabbed my attention. (Party In the USA)
Apparently the crap the record industry is pumping out is working.

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