Miley Cyrus

75 replies since 20th April 2008 • Last reply 20th April 2008

yeah no problem !

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i like her lyrics but i think shes a really bad singer live
i also think shes a bad role model...

from her VF pictures to her privat pictures with Mandy Jiroux, I just dont like her.

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VF as in Vampire Freaks?
I realllyyyyy doubt that Miley Cyrus would have an account on that site.

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She is not a singer she is a product. It's about image and endorsment.

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I think she means her Vanity Fair photo, where she is wrapped in a sheet, with nothing on her top half?

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That miley person is like scaring the heck out of my litle cousin,She was a big miley fan so she searched some things of her on google.But then she saw some of those grose like porn-ish webcam films of her. I don't think a child of 5/6 has to see that.

please miley ore mily whatever. Keep your clothes on.

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well said! lol

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agreed. Or make your passwords unhackable...

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oh my god, she's only 15! uurgh

I saw a video of hers...not a rude one a music one, was not impressed.

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I really don't like Miley Cyrus. She is an awful actor, and her singing is okay at best.

I also dislike how her big break was through daddy and his connections, and her breakthrough spring-boarded her dad's career, too. I'd like to see her bust her ass like everyone else to get where she is.

I guess I've got a thing against people who are born into fame. It really bugs me.

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yeah i hear ya.

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Yea, I completely understand that.

I don't know her personally so I can't say I dislike her. I definatley dislike her singing, but c'mon

If you sucked at pretty much everything, but had a chance to make money off of it, wouldn't you? I know I would. I'm in a horrid financial situation and I would do anything [as long as its legal and/or moral] to get money for my mother and our family.

She was just smart enough to make money doing something thats fun.

Now I DO NOT like her, but I'm not going to rag on her because she's in the limelight and sucks, she's just going with the flow.

Now if she's done horrible things like kick babies, or something, then I'd rag on her.

But I suppose influencing the newest generation to act like her is... not a great thing. I don't know. I think she is young and stupid, as most of us were.


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these kids will grow out of it, like High School Musical...she's not as bad as celebrities who are celebrities, because they are celebrities, you know those who are just famous because they're famous...or have rich parents...or where on Big Brother...ex big brother contestants have their own gossip columns, no point doing a degree in journalism, you can just go on Big Brother! /sorry rant

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yeah i guess i see your point, but still. haha

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Her profile over here I guess...It's Lizzy_Doll herself but okay -_-'


-her songs SUCK
-She is a slut DX
-In 2009/ore 10 she's in rehab next to lindsey lohan
-ore at that time we don't know her anymore (Buahahaha)
-I guess she was better as a pornstar -_-'
-She is making little children addicted... -_________-
-I guess she's the next Paris Hilton.

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