Gay Marriage
I'm not gay but I believe they should have rights, it's quite ridiculous. Celebrities can get married and that usually lasts for like a month and many gay couples have been together for as long as some celebrities have lived. Infertile couples and elderly couples can't bear children but they can still get married. There's nothing in the constitution about it and nothing really directly said in the bible.
Note the sarcasm below ;D
That is awesome, Iris!
And Krista, yeah, I know what you mean. My fiance is a guy, but you know... I'm still with him because he still lets me remain open about my sexuality. He just so happened to be the first person I dated who asked me to marry him, lol. We work well together though because we're both confident and content with our sexualities and he's not a jealous/competitive type when it comes to relationships. If I found everything I wanted in a woman or an intersex person, I could break things off or loosen things with him and neither of us would feel bad about it.
Relationships are best built on respect... that's how the strongest loves are formed. A marriage built on respect and love is going to work out better than a conventional marriage built on the ability to make crying-yelling mini-humans. lol.
ONE LOVE.... Lets get together and feel alright.
It may be against certain belief systems, but so are many, many things. And besides - why should a single belief system dictate the entire earth's behaviour? People should be free to make their own choices, and to love whomever they want.
Also, in case you haven't seen it, this is a BEAUTIFUL song on the topic of same-sex relationships:
Marriage is a religious institution and shouldn't be a part of the legal system at all.
That isn't to say I'm against marriage (cause I'm def not) but we should really change any legal ideas of marriage to Civil Union for EVERYONE but with more rights. That way the people who want to keep their idea of marriage "sacred" can do so in their own church and leave the rest of us out of it.
I don't know if anyone has heard of the rapper Macklemore, he's awesome and wrote an awesome song called "Same Love"
omg Lauren! I just clicked the link and it was Same Love isn't he awesome? I love "Other Side" too
Ok, to any idiots still left out there that think "gay" means "unnatural":
Being gay is found in nature! Animals and birds can ACTUALLY BE NON-HETEROSEXUAL!
What makes you think that humans are the only species that has ever been gay?
Some species of birds have figured out how to let same-sex pairs raise chicks together. They're so much smarter than us. We need to learn from them.
Tra-la-la skipping Happy Pants, ONE LOVE, indeed! Let's all be happy instead of arguing about stupid crap! Yay!
Gay marriage is a hot topic in the UK at the moment, and I think it will be legalized here soon which is awesome- for some reason the main debate at the moment is that when you get married in the U.K you get taxed slightly less- which is ridiculous- tax benefits just for being married? Really? So old fashioned. So people in UK dont seem to care in gay people are married or not- but whether gay married couples will get the same tax benefits as straight married couples. Personally I think the people should pay the sam tax rate, regardless of being gay or straight or married or not married.
I completely agree with everything brought up. One of the main problems I've always had is that I speak out a LOT about not gay rights, but basic human rights that are allowed to every person in the U.S except gay people, as if something as insignificant as who one person thinks is cute will EVER effect anyone else but those two people. Many people look at me and ask if I am gay. They are surprised to hear that I'm not. Then they automaticlly expect me to have troves of outwardly gay friends. This is also untrue, becuse I live in an area that is deeply anti-gay and many people choose to stay in the "closet." But when I tell them that 1 in 10 people are gay, they look at me as if there is a murderer in the room. People can't seem to understand that it is not gay rights that we are fighting, it is the governmantal oppression of people just like you and me who should be able to express themselves sexually, just as straight people do. But instead we put their sexual lives to vote as if for entertainment.
one thing i have always wondered..... why in earth is gay marriage not legalized here (California) i know that would save me time and money also i bet there's an alternate universe that bans hetero sexual marriage XD
How do we actively tell the government whats up.....? Seems like we need a shit ton of people....
Here in Belgium, gay marriage is legal since 2003, that's 10 years now...But we still have some people that are actively against gay people in general. Luckily, a lot of the other people have some sort of "well, as long as they keep me out of it, I guess there's nothing wrong with it" attitude. So most of them accept gay people as long as they themselves are still treated the same way like before, for example making gay and straight equal by forbidding straight marriages would not be accepted by the belgians...
I myself am straight, but I know some gay people and I have experienced that I still think it's a bit weird when they tell me, but I get over that feeling when I tell myself you can't choose who you're attracted too. I'm not going to tell you I see gay couples the same way as straight couples (yet) , but I'm working on it, and so should the rest of the world...
Love is love, no matter what. We are all human, and it's just so difficult to believe that people could hate a group just because of who they love. I personally think there really should be no debate on the matter. If two people are in love, let them get married.
A big controversy just started here in America over whether gays should be allowed to be Boy Scout leaders. Honestly, it's not like being gay is going to rub off on the scouts! Kids are independent enough to decide who they want to love, and if parents have a problem with that, they can go right on ahead and withdraw their kids from the program.
Plus anti-gay laws are a complete violation of rights, at least in America. As the Declaration of Independence says, "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal..." This includes people who are homosexual. Just because someone isn't straight doesn't make them any less human. If we're all equal, then why do gays not have nearly as many of the rights that straights have?
My friend is currently writing a research paper on gay rights, and some of the arguments that she found against it were completely absurd. "Marriage rates will drop! If they can't have children, they can't get married! Love will become meaningless!" I have no idea how any person in their right mind can believe any of those lies. How will allowing more people to get married cause marriage rates to drop? So we shouldn't allow the elderly and infertile couples to get married either? And how will letting people love who they want to make love meaningless?
Honestly, there are no legitimate arguments against gay rights. Look at the picture below. Can you tell whether the couple is straight or gay? No! They are two people who love each other, so why should gender matter? We are all human, and that is a fact. Each and every person on this planet has certain rights, and no one should be able to take them away! The fact that some are denied rights just because of sexual orientation is ridiculous!
well society always needs something to be against women, anyone not white, anyone not christian,anyone not straight so one and so forth because some people are just terrible terrible people today i saw some some crazy stuff in history,"The rape of Nanking" i still shudder thinking about it O.O
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