Another Cliche Guy problem.

In my creative writing class there is this guy I like and I have a crush on him but the thing is I'm shy when it comes to guys I have crushes on. But I want to over come my fear of talking to them and I want to know him better. But i don't know how to start a conversation...Help?

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4 replies since 3rd September 2011 • Last reply 3rd September 2011

What about a topic you're discussing in class? Or, perhaps a book you've seen him read or a band/movie/wahetever on his shirt?

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Hrmm good idea. Happy Usually he wears like a white or black wife beater and a plaid shirt so i dont know about that one.

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stalk him!! lol im only kidding Tongue

but if you have him for any other clasess try to listen in when hes talking to his friends!

if they are talking about a certain band or whatever (if you dont know about them) reasurch them as much as you can so when its your next xlass with him ask him if he likes the band / movie / whatever and talk about it with him Tongue

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I think eavesdropping on other's conversations wouldn't be the way to go. But I am also of the general opinion that if you aren’t mature enough to talk to a boy then you aren’t mature enough to date one. I think your best chance is to ask for him to critique one of your pieces for class (just make sure it’s not a sappy love poem).

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