23 replies since 22nd June 2011 • Last reply 22nd June 2011

what are you doing for your workout?
if you up your intensity level by a little, you'll see a lot of changes

maybe not necessarily in your weight, but definitely in your body.

BMI isn't as accurate as one would like to think, cos a 6" 200 pound fat guy looks a lot different than a 6" 200 pound buffed out muscular guy. what's really important is your body fat percentage (which is also a little more complicated to measure)

if you're doing 1 hour of walking/speed walking around
you can get a bigger weightloss and calorie loss if you do jog, run, sprint, etc. instead

what I really want to recommend is the insanity workout (look it up on youtube)
you get incredible results from that

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@ Mary ;) , miki and illegalcreativity
thxx so0 much guyz for the info it has really helped out a lott Happy

and for workout i brisk walk for abt 40 minutes (covering up atleast 4kms) then jog for a while
n all day round i try and do as many quickie workouts as i can
upper body (arms and shoulders) exercises with light weight dumbells 2kgs each (my eye doctor has asked me not to lift heavy weights .. weird connection .. i know . lol )
and other things like "hindu squats" these squats are really simple but really intense where one has to aim for 100 reps in 5 minutes . they totally kill the thigh musclz .

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thing is, your BMI is 23,7 so you're perfectly healthy and there's no reason for you to slim down. If you feel good exercising and everything go ahead, but try not to push your BMI under 23.

You're NOT overweight.

You DON'T NEED to slim down.

Anybody telling you you should slim down is a real ass and you should not listen to them. And if you still feel like you should slim down, I recommend you see a doctor about it. As Kasia says, things like this can snowball into more serious stuff in no time, so please be extra careful.

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I've found with my BMI that I'm slightly over weight, but if i was just 1 inch taller (even half an inch) my BMI drops by 3
i use http://www.halls.md/body-mass-index/bmi.htm for women to work out my BMI. apparently im 30pounds overweight, but i don't think online bmi calculators factor in chest size, mine are huge Happy and weight about half a stone

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Nikki, when my friend got a breast reduction she lost 2+ pounds. it was crazy!

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Most breasts are about 80% fat because alot of women store their excess weight in this spot. When especially large chested women begin an exercise regime they will go down a bra size. Regardless of how large or small your breasts are, proper support is always important. Happy

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I would say drink lots of water! Eat salads, vegetables, and no fried chicken nothing fried at all. No eating snacks (for me its quite difficult its my weakness), sodas (I am not drinking them which is good), nothing that has too much sugar, avoid the sweet things like cookies, cakes,etc. And go to the gym once every day. Or do 2 hours evry monday, wednesday, and friday.

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Awww felicity that's not fair and depressing, I've started going to tae kwon do 4 days a week {5 classes, 2 of which are intense sparring classes} and my chest is still getting bigger like I'm nearing 36 DD territory =/

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Oh and if you can afford it I would recomend a ballet class, it will help you tone up like you wouldnt believe

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