Has Etsy killed off the generous crafter?!

56 replies since 13th February 2008 • Last reply 13th February 2008

Like some people not all
I saw somebody price a necklace for $35
when I could've made it for way less

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I think at a point prices are becoming to big of a deal. I was looking through Etsy just to see what people are doing, and alot i wouldn't pay for in a store or anywhere! And, i think anyways, if your going to try and get people to buy yourself, maybe it should be a little cheaper...

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I think if you are creating a truly original item that would be harder for people to make on their own I think then that is worth paying good money for.
Erk N' Jrk, your cuffs are really nice and if was in the market to buy, I believe they are worth it Happy

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I'm an etsy seller too. Happy I crochet, and I give away most of what I make as gifts, but I write out the patterns and sell those so that people can crochet them themselves. Occasionally I'll crochet a custom item for someone who doesn't crochet or doesn't have the time, but my prices are reasonable--probably far less than I should charge because of the time spent on each item. Personally, I think many crafters are underpaid-- think about it--if I charge only $15 for a doll that took me 8 hours to make, I'm getting less than $2 an hour for my job. If I were selling a doll and charging $10 an hour, people would say, there's no way I'd pay $80 for a crocheted toy when I can buy a doll at wal-mart for $10! Thats why I sell patterns, mostly. Etsy stuff isn't mass produced. It's hand made. It should cost more.

My etsy pretty much just pays for my yarn buying habit, and gives me a little extra spending money to play with. This is the first year I actually bought my husband a gift using my own paycheck instead of his. Happy

Sorry for the long post. Happy

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At the entrance of my home we have a crafty sign posted.
"Dated 26 Aug 2001, I am not so concerned about "selling" art as I am about having my pieces placed appropriately."

My feelings for this site were the generosity of sharing the gift of craft from something or nothing at all for no purpose but the satisfaction of giving and not expectations of baiting some to a site to sell.

Perhaps I was wrong about the intent of this site. To promote selling crafts or buying crafts is not what I want to participate in.

What is the intent or mission of this site truely? For I thought we were all crafty artsy new found friends doing things ourselves and sharing the pleasures we do in our craft.

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Lipthink - the intention of the site is exactly that, it's all about making and sharing, not selling and promoting. My point was that it's difficult to keep it that way and we're working hard to ensure it. I've always shared how to make the things I made and I always will, because sharing is what's really important here and I think that should apply to everyone who uses the site!

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I love doing crafts, or showing off crafts i did just to say i did this!! hehehe, i hate selling, and it's on thing to show people things but i think some people have gone over the top with there selling Happy it makes me sad.

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That pleases me greatly to read that! Happy

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i love sharing how to make things that ive done, and seriously it annoys me that people are so secretive now abouthow they make their stuff, if someone asks me, 'how did you make that', thats a compliment people, you might as well tell them!!...ugh it does get me mad

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I only just figured out what etsy was and I agree that it is ridicule over priced, though I'm like that even in shops because I know I can make somethings for half the price and it really bugs me. I don't experience people not telling me how to mak things because I don't really know many people who are addicted to crafts.

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Hey you all!

I can’t resist on joining the discussion … this topic is one of the reason I'm studying economics.

First I have to say, I’m really enjoying this site because it’s for sharing and not for selling. Craftster is as well, they had some problems a year ago about this topic – it’s solved now and the spirit is back.

I do like sharing my ideas. Though often people are asking for Tutes without thinking. They see a project and think „cool“ – next minute they are screaming „TUTE“. When I tag a project as „Hard“ why do they ask for a tute if they haven’t any experience in sewing???? I often have spend my time for those people - result: NOTHING. So I often simply decline requests.

I’ve sold my things for some years in a small scale and looking back i can say I HATE SELLING. Just because of the arguments i have read here. I prized my items high, because they are high quality, I have not spend 5 years in fashion school for earning crap and I’m living in a high standard country.

To my point of view you can think „Why is that price so high … I can do that for half of it“, but you should keep in mind that etsy or dawanda is not only for selling handmade stuff to crafty people, it’s an opportunity for not-crafty people to buy unique things. This makes prices high, it’s not for charity - that’s economy.

How often you have thought „I can make that“ and how often you really have done it. I catched myself thinking that 2 days ago on a young artists exhibition. There was a girl presenting their really well made jewellery. Well, I could have copied her easily – instead I gave her what she charged without discussing the price – all others did and nobody bought.

When I was selling I’ve often heard „I could buy 2 bags at H&M for that money“. Well, I’m not having some Chinese children under my table sewing my bags … there is a cheap cheap cheap – philosophy going on these days and I hate it. I would love getting a lot for spending nothing – but not on the back of other people.

I think selling too cheap is destroying possibilities. I’ve had my tutorials copied for selling purpose and it SUCKS. The good thing is – I know mine are better. I’ve seen How-To projects from this site being sold as well. One bag is now sold for 20 Euros – which means it will be hard for the original crafter to go higher in price… funny? No.

Okay, enough for the moment. Don't be offended ;)

I’m interested in your answers and ready for other point of views.

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I would agree with those sentiments. But I also feel that sometimes tutorials ought to be given. I had a problem when this site started allowing people to show things off without tutorials because I always felt the point of it was to help people out. I still love it of course, I just don't like showing off so much, hehe.

I feel tutorials ought to be given if it's a reconstruction, because it's not as if you could sell it anyway and the whole point of reconstructions is to be eco friendly and save the planet- and you can't do that all on your own.

And yes I think it's important to be charged the proper price for things. It's just sometimes the things are poorly made and not very good or original, and they're still charging loads for it- Although I guess I'd still say that about high end couture I didn't like. It's all personal taste isn't it?

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Completely on your site Roma!

I like showing off Happy To my mind it can inspire others ... if I wouldn't like to be "copied" I wouldn't share. Just showing off and not helping others is not OK - I share your opinion on that!

I'm doing a lot of different crafts and don't want to write a whole tutorial for every single thing.... mostly because I think tutorials are not necessary that often (you just have to open your eyes and start thinking). I have the impression that a lot of people don't know how much effort it is to write a How-To, especially in a foreign language.

Though I'm glad to help if anybody has "specific" questions. I just don't like general questions that can be solved easily on your own. This is a critique I often have to give in "real-life" too.

Eco-friendly project definitely should be shared, no sense if not! And you are right ... I forgot to point out that I mean to charge proper prices for proper products ;) not for crap, which happens to often!! Definitely!!

I guess there are a lot of different opinions on that topic Happy Share!!!

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I always find it funny when they have felties the size of your fist priced at $40 when your only worth about $2.

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I don't think my stuff is good enough to be sold anyway and really I do it for me and for fun and if I made something that was someone else's idea on here I wouldn't like to sell it because it's not fair on the person who came up with the idea! I suppose it's good for people who think or know they can't make something so they can buy it cuz a lot of this hand made stuff is so pretty and cute.

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