Weight and Girls
That really blows my mind that you were told you cannot have children because of how tiny you are and yet they still think that you are healthy. There is nothing healthy about that. I am glad that you are taking your health seriously but the doctors you've seen clearly are not.
My doctor had me drinking ensure or whole milk with my meals to help me gain weight and that really worked for me. He also had me eating past my full point. I had to eat until I was full and then eat a few bites over. That way your stomach begins to stretch and you are able to eat more and gain weight. I was also told to eat 4-5 times a day, snaking between meals.
I've dealt with low weight my whole life too. My eating disorder really started when I was about 4 years old, so I fully understand the struggle. For me it was worth all the work I went through for all those years. At 24 I finally am at a steady 105lbs. Being a steady weight being one of the most difficult things to overcome. I have a regular monthly period and despite being told at a young age I wouldn't have children, I was pregnant for a brief 6 weeks this past summer. I'm able to have intercourse comfortably and I’ve managed to be pretty curvy. I hope you are able to use some of this to your own benefit and I'm sure if you are able to put on the weight you'll be able to have children. It's ridiculous that your doctors didn't take more attention to your health after they told you you couldn't.
I compleaty agree, and am proud of you!!! gaining and KEEPING weight is so hard to do. i've drank boost for a while and did the ensure drink for a bit too. Right now im barly making my rent and am struggling realy bad to keep food in the dang fridge. I have a low chance of having kids, even if i gain the weight i get 2or 3 cist on my left overie like clock work every other month and they hurt like hell, but i guess they are caused from my left tube being slanted? idk the term the doc told me. id imagine gaining weight will help alot and even though having "fun with my hubbie" hurts i still plan on trying to have kids. 6 weeks is a long time for someone who hasnt been able to have kids. I have manged to be 1 month 3 days. LOL. im proud of you and am deff copying you!!!
Don't give up on that. Doctors don't know crap. My sister had less than a 10% chance of getting pregnant on her own and she did, twice. I can't even imagine having sex at such a low weight though. Hubbie would have to wait, my boyfriend waited 5 years before we started having sex and we lived together for 3 of those 5. But to each his own. Just keep trying and forget those stupid doctors you've seen, they clearly have no idea what they are on about.
oh i have found that the internet is wayyy smarter than one (or 5) doctors... we're deff not giving up. Stu (my husband) actually is a little bit too fine with not having sex .. he acutally tells me no very sweet man i have. he makes all this worth it. <3
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