Technical problem

I know this isnt the place for this--but Im having an issue with uploading my project pictures. It just says "Uploading...!" but nothing happens. I left a note on "crafterella's" (?) page but I didnt see a response...can someone point me to who could help me? Happy
Sorry again...and thank you!Happy

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6 replies since 15th September 2010 • Last reply 15th September 2010

I sometimes have this problem. I'm using internet explorer as my search engine and I know it doesn't always do what it should....LOL
If the uploading freezes completely I hit the back arrow key on my internet page and use Alt + F5 to refresh the page then try again.
Sometimes 'cancel' button works on the project.
Best way not to lose too much info that you have uploaded while making a project is to save changes at each step.
You can always go back to a project using 'edit'. Sometimes it's best to go out of the project completely and use the edit option to make changes.
Hope this helps Happy

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Firefox is a bit better, maybe try that? xx

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Heather best thing is to report it to Tom.I had the same problem yesterday waiting for a fix

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It also could be if the file is a big one. It's probably actually loading but because of the size, it will take longer. So if the file is like in MB (megabyts) size, try making it smaller.

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I've been having the same problem for the last couple of weeks. No matter what I do I can't load pictures. I have reported it and now just waiting for a fix.

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Thank you all so much for the advice! I have tried all your wonderful ideas within the last day, but to NO avail! Happy So I wrote to Tom, hoping he can fix it!!
Thanks soo much again everyone!!
I LOVE this site and all of you as wellll <3

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