Are you KIDDING me?!
Oh and trashing her on here doesn't make you any better than her. In fact if she only called you a bitch in a private message or to your face then it actually makes you worse, because you went onto a forum and started a thread just to talk her down.
I suppose it does still hurt me.
Like I said, we used to be really close. Like, 5 years of a really close friendship goes down the drain 3 1/2 years ago and then while I still had her in my mind in a really positive note (I felt that it was high schools fault and it stung that she didn't wanna keep me around, I never really thought too terribly badly of her), but to end it so...rudely...
It's hard for me to have someone who I used to care about so much and help though so much just just now glare at me everytime I see her. To not even notice that I'm still alive or even bother to say "Hi" to me. After 5 years of being so close, I mean NOTHING to her.
So yea, it does sting because before, I felt that the whole high school thing made it final.
But now's a terrible way to really END something.
And yea, maybe making a fourm might not have been the greatest idea, but like I said, I just kinda had to rant at the time.
Everyone has to rant and get things off their chest. But there is a positive and a negative way to do it. I am assuming you are in school and if that's the case going to your school counselor is a positive way of getting things off your chest. Writing in a private journal is also a positive way of getting things off your chest. (I admittedly kept journals when I was in high school and find them slightly embarrassing now as an adult but for different reasons). Also talking to a trusted friend who isn't part of the situation is a positive way of doing things. It’s important to keep things in perspective though. Don’t live in the negativity. Don’t dwell on the immature behavior but instead focus on the feelings behind them. Sorry if I come off all teachery right now. I used to work in high school counseling so it's kind of a force of habit.
Everything just seems so negative right now, and I guess instead of talking to a friend (they always agree with me on EVERYTHING ;_; and then they wanna know her name, and her adress and where she works and screenshots of the email and then they're like "Do you want me to go say something? Tell me who she is. I will go over there RIGHT NOW if you want me to!" and it's like "I just wanted to tell you a story ;_;") it's just nice to tell strangers and then hear other people who have gone though the same thing. Guess it makes me feel better about it
Makes me feel like I'm not alone (a stupid thing to "feel alone" about, I know, I know, but still...)
Oh, nah lol
You just reminded me of one of my friends who just is very blunt about what she says.
No worries
I had a very close friend for 9 years who I have literally picked up off the street with her small child more than once when she had nowhere to go. I gave her a roof over her head and made sure she ate and had somewhere to be safe. She walked out of my life and my home which she shared with me last christmas for no reason and hasn't contacted me. There was no fight and it left me feeling numb. I blamed myself for nothing. Recently I have come to realise she is trapped in a bad circle of life and can only get herself out of it. Other people have helped her in the past and she has treated them the same. What I'm saying is some people just don't know how to help themselves and don't know how to be 'friends'. Yep it still hurts and I do worry about her.
lol thats why i'm not on facebook/twitter/ or myspace ...i just dont need that kind of crap. And im against most trends anyway. :/
Theres some crazy people out there.
Me and this girl were best friends for around 8 years. We were like sisters. Everything was fine between us and then a couple of months ago so blocked and deleted me on facebook. I tried talking to her at school about it and she completely ignored me. Then she sent one of my friends a message about me that said "She is such a b****! The whole time I've know who all she has done is talked about me behind my back and start rummers about me. And if something doesn't go her way she freaks out and starts acting like a baby. Then whenever she gets mad she always hits people. She has been a jerk the whole time I've known here."
NONE of that is true and it made me soooooo mad. And if it was true (Which trust me, it isn't!) then why did she always hang around me and say I was her best friend?! It makes no sense!! >
Then a few weeks ago she starts talking to me again and saying I'm her best friend and everything. So I asked her why she sent that message to my friend about me and she was like "Uhh.... I don't know what your talking about. I would NEVER say something like that about you!" so I asked her why she ignored me for months and why she deleted me on facebook and she said "Um... My facebook randomly deletes people and I guess you were one of them... And uh... I haven't been ignoring you! Ya uh... I've just been really busy!"
I just wanted to yell at her "Come on!!! I'm not an idiot!!!!"
Why are people so freakin two-faced?!
That was really long But I had to get it out!
Honestly, I think an online forum like this is a great place to get things like this off your chest when absolutely necessary. We all do it here from time-to-time; I think it's because we are such a close-knit (lol--no pun intended) group. It's not like you were "outing" her with her name or anything. If you had come here and given us the url to her Facebook and/or her name, then I might say otherwise.
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