Epic rant (with swearing)
Throughout your rant I was just assuming that you were still at High School, but of course you're not, you're in college. To be honest it sounds like you just have a bad college! At my college I've never seen anything like that. I mean we're all segregated, partly by race, partly by the way we dress, but in classes we just all get on. No-one's mean to anyone else. I guess I just take it for granted.
It's generally okay. Compared with secondary school, it's like heaven. I occasionally get stuff shouted at me, but it's not by popular people who are going to beat the crap out of me anymore, it's just the odd person, and it doesn't impress anyone.
I hate people who pick on the few of us not ashmed to be our selves. A friend i had, who was as gay as you can get with out being a girl, left school because of the way people treated him it was so sad, he's such a nice guy (great person to shop with to! man does he have good taste) but he moved to a less catholic area so he could be himself
i miss him.
I wish people could just get over the way people are and the way people dress. In the long run, what does it matter? Just because you dress in style it doesn't make you a great person. personally i prefer it when people dress against fashion ins, because than they aren't given the media a rein in their life, and we have little control over our lives as it is without handing out more strings to other people we don't know. I like the all black look, though i try and not wear black because I only wear it when someone i love dearly as died so when i do wear black i get depressed. I like all looks, at some point wearing all black was the big thing, and im sure it will be again. And i like my clothes when i dont show off my bare skin to everyone but still look damn good.
Ok im done my little rant against people and clothes.
I agree with the sentiment, but I disagree with your use of the term 'style'. Style is a very personal thing. However you dress, that's a style. If it's exactly how you want to dress, then it's your own style and I can guarantee you look wonderful, provided you're comfortable and provided you know you look wonderful.
I believe fashion was the word you were going for, and I gotta say sometimes fashion is wicked. Provided you pick and choose to your preferences which fashions you follow and which you don't then you're sorted. You can look completely original and completley fantastic and in fashion all at the same time, without anyone taking your style away from you. Just be yourself.
You should have said, " And you kiss your mother with that mouth?". If he stares at you all the time, I bet he likes you. Guys are freaks and it takes them longer to do everything. I had a guy who was in all my classes in high school. He picked on me, hit me, tried to start fights with me. I asked him how he got in all my classes and he told me that when I filled out my schedule for the next semester, he looked over my shoulder and copied it! GROSS!
Your guy has low self esteem and wants alot of attention. That is why he acts out. If everyone ignored him, he's stop or do something that would cause another person to scream at him or worse! You hit it right on the head when you said the immature- There are alot of them! ( and let me tell you a little secrete: They don't grow up, they turn into dicks! Yes, that ugly word. And they are STILL annoying!
Next time you find him staring at you, blow him a kiss and turn away.
I can't believe people in college act that way, I would haev thought that they would have grown up. Or that someone would hgave stuck up for you. That's just pathetic. At least you have the sense to know that it's not you it's him who needs to change.
PJ F, haha, i bet that would get him. Though it could turn into the worst if he want tos.
Well I'm now doing something similar; making a point of flirting with his mate in class. This guy James, when he's not with Sam he spends the whole time telling me how pretty I am, so in class I always smile at him. It drives Sam nuts. Excellent.
He said the most stupid thing today. At the end of A Woman Of No Importance, Hester and Gerald agree to get married, so Hester says to Mrs Arbuthnot (Gerald's mum) that she should consider Hester as a daughter. Sam went "Eurgh, that's like incest!". Fucking. Idiot.
The problem with popular fashion is, we're all different and all suit different things. For example, skinny jeans. Massive fashion, but they look revolting on lots of people. But they wore them anyway! Although I did like it a while ago when the big fashion thing was biker stuff, it was all about leather, black etc, it was soooo sexy
Sounds like that guy is going to end up tripping over himself and making more a fool of himself than he thinks he will. Lol, trying to be cool makes you a fool.
I feel your pain, kids are cruel just don't let it bother you. I'd like to say if you ignore it it goes away but it doesn't so just ignore it and laugh that's what I do.
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