Insurance companies- do I say more?

Medical Insurance Companies give me the shits. you pay out weekly to have insurance and then they won't cover the procedure and you're left with a huge bill.
Auto Insurance- If you have an accident, Don't turn it in to your insurance! You'll get cancelled!!! We had insurance with one of the huge popular companies and I had a accident which wasn't my fault but they said that they paid out more than we paid in on our premiums~!!! How could that be? We'd been paying since 1991 and my husband had used them since he was 16! We were cancelled!!! I found alot of people this has happened to.

Insurance companies are money stealing crooks that line their pockets with our hard earned cash!

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11 replies since 18th January 2008 • Last reply 18th January 2008

hahaha I just had to laugh when I read your post! I used to work for an insurance company... and ended up leaving because I couldn't morally stand working for them. It's rather disturbing to see the differences that can be made to your policy if you sweet talk them and give them your sob story as well. I found the whole insurance business rather sickening also.

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I'm happy that i live in Canada when i hear stories like this, because i we have basic coverage that if anything happens its cover. Any accidents are always covered, its nice. Our insurance companies are also held responsible if they steal our money, yes some aren't the greatest, but i keep hearing they are far better than everywhere else.

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I found a disturbing video online about an elderly couple that live in Canada. He wasn't feeling good, alot of headaches and the Doctors found it was a tumor in his brain. He needed a MRI but could not get one for 6 months. ( In 6 months the guy would be dead) They wrote letters to the Canadian health care( I can't remember who) and pleaded to get the MRI or even if they paid out of pocket for the MRI. They told them they could not pay for it and nothing could be done. The couple found someone and this man helped him get to a Doctor in the US and 2 weeks later he had surgery in the US. The old man survived but it was because of Canadian health care! The couple are now trying to get $28000. back from Canada - that is what it cost the couple to have the tumor removed from the old man's head.

If I can find that video again, I'll put a link up for you to watch it!

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yeh I don't have insurance problems her in Iceland, but I do pay almost over 40% tax !!!

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40% ?! I think I would cry!

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Believe me I cry ALL the time! But we do have a pretty good health care system. I haven't had to use it like PJF, but for going to the docs it cost me less than 13$/7£ whereas the last time I went in Ireland it was 73$/38£! so no complaints from me there.

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I complain about having to pay for prescriptions, but really, I don't know how lucky I've got it here in the UK.

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There was something in the papers about that today - people who have insurance they'd never be able to claim, so much red tape and conditions in the contracts...

But hurrah for the NHS, feeling ill never felt so super...

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The idea of insurance never set well with me.
When it was explained to me as a girl the first thing out of my mouth was "So you pay people money in case something happens and if something doesn't happen they keep your money?"

Load of bull. If I am a careful driver I should get more than half my premium back. If I take care of myself and have regular check ups to prevent $15,000 surgery I should get some money back.

I understand it's for catastrophic events or even to pay for someone else's terrible event, but they should be ashamed of themselves for preying on people's "what if" fears AND keeping their money.

Perhaps the solution would be like an insurance bank. You put money into it for your personal use in case of emegency. The insurance company can pull from it to help others but they pay you a small interest fee to use it and then they have to put it back.

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I found a link to the video I told you about- the man in Canada who had a brain tumor and had to come to the US to get surgery....

here's the web address:

Anyone who supports Universal Health Care in the US needs to see this video!

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I have always had the same theory. Insurance sucks. Eien you should run for office.

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