UK general election 2010~ who are you backing?

26 replies since 1st May 2010 • Last reply 1st May 2010

I am totally enjoying the coverage. Watching a stunning sunset over the Olympics and the sun rising over London.While sipping nice beer.London's calling and I'm learning about the lack of British constitution.Still no idea of the real outcome
Thanks to the Beeb for the awesome coverage

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Wooh Caroline Lucas first green MP in Britain and to think I used to cut out press cutting for her at Oxfam (20 yrs ago)

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Hey thanks for the good luck messages, I voted yesturday before leaving for my exam, I don't feel very confidence over it, but Sheila your comment cracked me up!!

Arty, Awww such a shame, I was in College Lane LRC from 10.30 till 2.00, after my exam I went over to de hav LRC, it would have been nice to see you!! Yeah the Font has gone... :'C I don't think the Forum is as good, and they've changed the Elehouse too, it's really posh... which isn't a good thing Happy

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Gosh the General Election results are crazy

Con 291 seats

Lab 251 seats

LibDem 52 seats

Other 27 seats

There's no majority party!!

I'm extreamly pissed off that Enfield North are now Conservative, our previous MP Joan Ryan was Labour. Apparently they've changed the constituency borders so some of Enfield Southgate's votes come under Enfield North, otherwise we'd have bee Labour still ARGH!!

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Hi Becky.....glad I made you laugh. I studied Child development psychology and Adult psychology at A-level so Yung is well known to me. Would say I'm more of a Carl Rogers fan though.

In my local seat it went to a re-count so I didn't get the result till 4.30am. The seat changed and there was only 365 votes in vote really counted

There's a lot of disgruntled people who didn't get to vote because of not enough returning officers to deal with the numbers, lack of ballot papers and in York, the postal ballot papers were missing. Don't know if they have been found yet

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LOL it did make me laugh, I studied a little bit of Yung in my A-Levels but most of the learning was around Freud.

Gosh I've heard all about that, there was also a case in Chester where they supposedly hadn't updated the list of eligable voters so some people that registered were told they were not on the lists.

I tried to stay up but it got till 1 and I got tired. I'm somewhat appeased, we had our local elelction yesturday as well - our Local council used to be Conservative but they are now Labour.

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I prefered the post Freudians. Freud was a fraud who based his theories on a small group of middle class neurotic women and his obsession with a small boy! He claimed his ideas were scientific by using the ideology of the empiricists. It was that idea that in order to be scientific it had to be provable. Funny when I studied Physics there was a theory put forward by Helmholt that said 'energy cannot be made or destroyed only transfered'. Think about Freuds transferance through the OAPLG stages.......ummmmm.

On the election.... loads of student voters had that problem as the lists hadn't been updated. There are a few investigations into postal vote fraud around the country too. We won't know our local elections for a while yet as they are starting the count today. The general election papers having to be re-counted has put it back even further now.

Must sleep. I've been texting my friend all night with minute by minute comments......Lol

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LOL Yeah that's true Sheila... at least Psychology was mildly interesting this Semester, we were doing Forensic and Criminal Psychology...

I'm feeling realluy uneasy about the Political situation with all the uncertainty...

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I'm feeling a bit uneasy too. It's going to be a tough few weeks for people as they arn't going to know where they stand and question what their vote stands for.

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wow, a hung parliament. that's kind of unexpected..

unfortunately all the support for the lib dems after the tv debate hasnt seemed to translate into votes Happy

i think nick clegg needs to negotiate with david cameron a lot, so they can work together and have the conservatives be sort-of incharge (i suppose it will be a change from labour at least.. :/), but with lots of the lib dems' policies being put into practise too...


i agree sheila, people might be questioning~ was there even a point in voting anyway if my party havent won, and the conservatives are in the lead by quite a way.. thats what i would be thinking at least.?!

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Hi Shifty Materials.....Things will continue regardless of how long it takes to sort it out. We last had a hung parliament in 1974. I think it may go to another election before the usual 4 or 5 years. Other european countries like Germany have coped with no overall majority. This is a chance for all politicians to learn to negotiate. My understanding of the situtation is that the general public wanted reform of the electoral system. Ironically the electoral system let down a party that wanted the change and first past the post has resulted in a hung parliament. There are many 'safe' seats which would be effected by electoral reform so it could be a sticking point. Whatever happens it's going to be a busy week in politics......LOL Happy

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i wish the politicians actually did learn to negotiate, properly- i hope they do; to make things good for everyone..

i agree, i do think most people want a change Happy

it definitely is going to be a busy week in politics haha Happy

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