Crushing! and what to do about it?
ok i like this guy, we have known each other for over a year
and ive been crushing on him! hes so cute!
i want to let him know i have a crush on him with out being to forward
any advice?
well you do have to be forward, you need to tell him, how else will he know?
I agree with Michelle...Lay all your cards on the table and let him know how you feel....don't come on too strong though, men are weird and that could scare him a little....the best thing to do is, just tell him you like him and if he'd like to go on a date sometimes to find out if there really is something there...Goodluck
I agree,you should ask him out for coffee or something,and if he says yes,you will know he is interested too.
ok thank you guys! i'll try not to come on too strong
Let us know what happened!
yes, please do. and hey if he doesn't like you that way, you can become friends!
I crushed over this one guy for two years (pathetic right?) He was my closest friend and I always wondered if it could be more. But even when he wasn't interested I didn't let it get to me and we had really good times together.
Though it turns out he had liked me for two years too and neither of us had the guts to ask the other. We've been dating for 16 moths now. So I guess if you never ask you never know and it doesn't matter on what the outcome.
Good luck!
that is so sweet
Amy that's a sweet story!! I wish that had happened to me, I crushed over one of my best friends and he liked me too, everyone knew, but he was too afraid to ruin our friendship, one time he even started screaming that I was Rachel and he was Joey from friends. And years after that we don't talk anymore.
But hey, Gloom Cookie, I agree with everyone here, you should tell him, it's better to know than live forver wondering what could have happened if you'd have told him.
and if you'r to afraid to tell hem, do as I did, I had a crush on this guy and I figured out his msn, so I send him a e-mail explaining that I liked him, and he liked me too we had a date and now (10 mounhts later) he's my bf
so really don't be afraid and if you're scared for his reaction, e-mail hem ^^ it worked for me ;)
good luck
ok guys heres how it went, i said "michael i sort of like you, more than friends do you wanna maybe go get coffee sometime?" and then he smiled and said "i sort of like you more than a friend too gloom, id love to get coffee then shall we go see a movie?" it went great!
see we told you! yahhhhhh! happy dance
I'm happy for you Gloom
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