Rant about your parents, what upset you? They don't understand you or they smothing you?

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14 replies since 19th October 2009 • Last reply 19th October 2009

I'm 23, living at home, and feel like I'm treated like a 16 year old girl. Blech!

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we were going threw some hard times and had to move in with my mom for a while... omgosh!! im going crazy here lol i love my mom but she is nuts lol she goes through all my stuff and cleans my room i hate that cuz we cant find anything! and its not just my room its my boyfriend i know it bugs him to but he doesnt say anything.. if i yell at my kids for doing something bad she gets mad and says leave her alone... grrr... lol cant wait to move. and her boyfriend.. that is a whole nother story..
!then... lol she always has to know where i am and wants things done her way.. i think when i move we will get along much better.

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yeah, they can be overbearing

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I haven't spoken to my parents in years. It started when I was in my teens and a punk about a hundred years ago. They hated everything about me, I moved out then I had to move back in which was the worst nightmare. I moved back out and haven't been back since.
They think I should grow up (which means not having purple hair lol), settle down and get a proper job with a husband and all of that malarkey.
Don't wanna don't wanna don't wannaTongue

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you know some of us never want to settle down, I don't. I want to spend my life traveling, as long as I can pay off my loans...I am good

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my grandma wants me to be home every day cleaning and cooking for when my man gets off work lol not going to happen... maybe if i had my own place but until then dont count on it

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I told my parents when I was five or six that I was never going to get married or have kids, I don't think they believed me lol.
I'm like you, I want to travel everywhere, see everything.

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when I am ready to settle down, I guess I will do it. I was engaged twice, but never went through with it. I guess I havn't met the right one

and wait, your grandma said that? well I know times were differnt then...but please to spend all day cleaning...not going to happen here

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Omigosh... I feel really bad, I was going to rant about my mum, but compared to everyone else we get along quite well... I think the problem with me and my mum is that we are both VERY similar... to similar - particularly with the fiery temper department... so we can get along really well and as soon as one of us is in a bad mood... we erupt like a volcano. We forget it the next day though and are friends again!!

The worst one would be my dad... my parents separated when I was 8 and although I see him once a week (which I SHOULD be grateful for I guess) it's like there's no emotional effort on his part, although a physical one for him to come and see me. I don't know, maybe it's just me, he tells me he loves me and stuff, but he doesn't show it through other actions, I sort of love him, he's my dad... but I don't like him.

It's funny how sometimes I kinda crave for his attention, yet at other times I couldn't care less if he was out of my life altogether. Maybe I'm being melodramatic?

After reading this thread though I realise that my situation is no-where near as bad as I'd imagined it in my head, I guess I've actually had a pretty good life and childhood - maybe slightly too sheltered by my mum, but one day I won't have that so I'm taking as much advantage of it as possible!!

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I had a very good life too, but sometimes you need to get things off you chest. I don't want to upset my parents, but I think they expect so much

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True... while we are getting things off of our chest then, I do feel too sheltered by my mum not enoough by my dad.
Aw bless you Michelle... that must put you under alot of pressure!!

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I really try just to live the way I want, I am 28 after all.

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I don't blame you honey, you are your own person... so you should live as you please, especially at 28 years old...

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I know, but I think they, in their own way are trying to help

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