I'm going through it right now.
Moved to UK from Canada and now have to go back to Canada for a minimum of 6 months in November because Canada didn't update UKs new rules on immigration that changed only this year, and very dramatically. Grr!
I just learned how to read UK crochet patterns!
You don't realize just how conservative a place is unless you live there or are going through a system that is so hotly argued.
I have so many people telling me that I should be allowed to stay simply because I'm Canadian, english speaking, yadda yadda. I heard so much racism and I'm getting really pissed off. I can't really talk to anyone about it here because you have to be a grateful little immigrant or the neighbours wont like you.
Have to go back, re-build my life, and re-apply.
Anybody have thoughts on immigration?
that sucks, but do you have a grandparent that is from the UK? If you do you can get a uk passport.
Yes. That's how i'm doing it.
oh, then I don't understand why you can't stay. I will see if there could be a way around it. It seems unfair for you to return to canada for 6 months
Aw, that's so nice of you. I have checked every single way already.
There was a new rule put in about adoption and applying within the country. My british gratndfather adopted my mom. So there was a cockup and I'll have to re-apply properly.
Am just gonna be angry about it for awhile. And I hired a lawyer in canada so there wont be any problems with getting back.
Just incredibly inconvenient.
Mm it's such an awful system. My friend was born in Zimbabwe and moved to England when she was young, but now she can't go back there on holiday or anything because she might not be let back into England after!
oh gosh, these countries have such hassels
Not as bad as some places I suppose. My friend's wife simply isn't allowed to leave the Gambia in West Africa.
Her husband lives in England and they've been trying for years to bring her over and the Gambian government wont permit her a visa even to visit. I just can't understand things like that.
no, I don't either
That sounds like an unnessisary upheaval for you. Bless you, I don't see why you can't stay in the UK, we have so many people of different background, countries and cultures that stay here without problems.
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