Greedy Asses Running the Banks!!

Dude.... omg, so even though I'm Canadian (Our banks are just as bad i'm sure) I've been keeping up on the USA situation with their "bailout program"

Dude seriously, $218 M for WHAT? If you're going bankrupt should you be getting bonuses at all?? My boss doesn't get bonuses unless we beat our yearly budget but a certain percentage. And that extra percentage after it becomes bonuses for everyone. And not just him. Even if we beat the budget, it has to be about that certain percantage cause otherwise we might screw ourselves for next year. which mean's we might only have 100 to split among us. If you're asking you're goverment for a fricken bailout, doesn't that mean you Shouldn't have gotten any bonuses? So it's there own fault, why doesn't the goverments put it into other places?

Like All I hear for the bail out's are banks and car dealerships. That make huge amount of money in the frist place, they just over spent in stupid ways. What about like, Forest industries? Half my town and province is now unemployed cause the Mills, and Logging trucks and such didn't even get asked if they needed help. My mom who works in the E.I office in town said that it takes like 40 days for people to get E.I payment right now, cause the system is soo overloaded.

Arg, this makes me angry.

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3 replies since 21st March 2009 • Last reply 21st March 2009

Yeah it is a sore subject that's pissing off a lot of people, me being one of them. Bailouts should be companies that have legitimate cases instead of the ones that over spend or put money towards stupid shit. I agree too that companies, such as AIG should get bailouts and then use it for bonuses for the reason you said, they don't deserve them and many other reasons, but the sad fact is that if the bailouts aren't issued to the companies and banks and they go bankrupt then that makes the economy even worse. It sucks like an upright Hoover either way.

I also agree with someone saying that AIG executives among others should be fired for handing out bonuses. They new damn well that money was not supposed to be used for paying employee bonuses but to for them to keep their jobs, but because supposedly it wasn't in the terms for use of the bailout, they thought it was ok. But I guess that's how greedy people think and why we're in the mess we are now.

So I'm with Jasmin you, I'm pissed to the highest pisstivity!!

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So my boyfriend Mill just went under, fuck ><

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oh noooo

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