
So...Im trying to do my undergraduate thesis..problem is, Im just not into it. I havent been all year, so Im looking at dropping it, and taking it next year. I dont mind, it just screws up a lot of plans, and now I have to convince my boyfriend to move to Ontario with me....(hes a homebody, he'll miss his friends and family).

I know Architecture is what I want to do, this year just wasnt right for my thesis...sooo, now Im sad. Feeling like Im disappointing people. But I would rather this, than finish with a mediocre thesis that I dont enjoy. I have a project I really want to do, I was going to save it for my masters thesis, but I think I will start it next year for my undergraduate thesis.

I want to redevelop a poverty stricken area in the city I grew up in. and Im far more passionate about that, than I am about my current thesis project.

Just feeling blah right now...glad I came to this decision, but it was a tough one to make..took a lot out of me.

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5 replies since 27th February 2009 • Last reply 27th February 2009

I know what it's like, I left an art course with 7 weeks left. But look at me now after 10 months of moaning I'm finally doing what I want on a really good course rather then just settling for what was availiable. I knew that those 7 weeks would be a complete waste of time and I'd be unhappier doing that then being bored and poor at home.

All my family was like 'why did you leave?' and it was sad because I had done all the work and made friends but I wonder what they would do in the same situation, don't just plod on thinking 'I hate this I hate this' life is too short! It is hard because like you say it just screws up plans and you don't know what's going to happen but do what will make YOU happy.

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I agree with Queen, you gotta do what makes you happy

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Yah, glad to know Im not alone Happy I am glad I made this decision and looking back on it today I feel so much better. I just feel like its the best decision. Happy

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ooh goodo Happy glad you're feeling better. They never tell you that it's ok to change your mind!

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I'm happy too!

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