42 replies since 1st January 2009 • Last reply 1st January 2009

I've only ever heard the word woman being used as a jokey insult that wasn't meant in a serious way. And it's usually between 2 guys, something along the lines of "Stop being such a woman" lol.

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It always pissed me off when my friend would get soooo mad cuz he was beat by a girl in some game.

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once in psychology i had a kid compare to letting gay people marry is like the same as giving a child molester kids. Moron theres a difference one is 2 consenting adult making a promise to eachother the other it letting someone abuse anthoer person.

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It still annoys me when people say that though. Jem just always calls his mum a "stupid fucking woman", and constantly refers to her as "the woman". It's just his pathetic way of showing he's dominant over her because he has a penis.

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hey guys, have you seen milk?


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Im straight but I have "gay or bi" friends and I am not homophobic towards them. People shouldn't be denied of true love.

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I want to see Milk.

I don't want to hear abut what gay peope are doing behind close doors, but i also dot want to hear staight peoples. Keep it to yourself that intamte details, and i'm fine with what you are. I honestly think some of my gay friends are the best, cause they are very understandable.

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i reallly wanna see milk

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I saw milk it was amazing.

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I loved milk Happy

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it was great made me all inspiring and warm and fuzzy on the inside at the happy parts :]
i think everyone should be like, required to watch it
i was talking to one of my friends about it and shes like "oh it looks stupid" [shes a catholic and a homophobe]
and two of my other friends [also homophobes] said they hated it and never saw it
that kind of pissed me off :/

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my friend said shes not homophobe, but she doesnt go out and say "hey, go be gay!" That was anoying, because he fought and died for what he believed in and no matter whose side you're on. thats something to look up to

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You know what I hate more then someone saying "That's so gay?" Someone saying "retarded" where is doesn't belong. Most things can't be "to make slow; delay the development or progress of (an action, process, etc.); hinder or impede."( And while I don't want to be a bitch, I believe that knowlege is power and I don't think most people know when they say this word. An example would be Stephie N. on your Jan. 10th post you say: "I hate when people deny they're homophobic, and they are. And whenever people say "that's so gay" or "that's so retarded" Its really offensive." and yet on the first post here you say: "Omg! I'm insanely pro gay and I was ranting with this guy in my 3rd period when he made the most retarded statement in the universe." We can't expect the world to change unless we start with ourselves.

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