Omg! I'm insanely pro gay and I was ranting with this guy in my 3rd period when he made the most retarded statement in the universe.

"I think we should take all gay people and put them somewhere else so they wont get attracted to any normal people. Straights can still visit gay people if they want"

How sick and twisted is that?! He's only 12 and he's one of the biggest homophobes i've ever met!

I'm straight, but I think that love is a crazy, wonderful feeling. If some people happen to feel that towards the same sex, why should they be denied marriage?

At least I got to make fun of him

"I'd hurt your brain but you don't have one"

"I'd kick you in the balls but you don't have any"

He started it.


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42 replies since 1st January 2009 • Last reply 1st January 2009

At my college, because it's Catholic, we have to go to "Spiritual Journey" lessons. This is basically the college pretending that they're not forcing Catholicism on everyone because this guy looks up Buddhism on Wikipedia, tells us about it, then compares it with Christianity. Anyway, just before the end of the year we had a lesson around the subject of homosexuality (which I find offensived anyway - you would never have a lesson debating whether being black is right or wrong). I had a big argument with one girl who said that it was a choice to be gay, and that if you don't want to be beaten up you should just pretend to be straight. Then we started going round the class, one guy starting off with "I don't mind people being gay as long as they don't do it in front of me" (is that not the worst kind? He can't even admit to being homophobic, but he is). Then it went onto complaining about gay people being camp "Why do they always have to act camp? It's so annoying!" my response being - everyone has the right to do what they want, I know plenty of straight guys who are camp, we are all human beings with control over OUR lives. Then when someone said he wanted to punch gay people in the face, I walked out. A lot of people screamed at me that I had to listen to other peoples' point of views but no, I don't.

My point being...some people are stupid, and won't be able to be changed that easily. That's why I left - in the end, you stop people being assholes where you can, but some people really just are unbelievably ridiculous and stubborn.

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'i'd kick you in the balls but you don't have any' oooh now thats a good one...steal!

ok so he's 12, so very big disadvantage there, most men are incredibly 'defensive' when it comes to gay men anyway, they're either joking or actually trying to prove they aren't gay....but most people are so weird about gay people, they don't understand it but I don't get what there is to not understand. I'm straight but I don't look at people as men and women, I just see them as people and I think this is what happened with gay people, they just fell in love with a person. Not allowing gay marraige really pisses me off. It does my head in when people act like that about gay people.

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In my opinion love's love and that's it. It doesn't matter whether its a man and a woman or 2 men or 2 women. I don't understand how people can't see that. If it's someone's choice to be homosexual then people should respect that. One of my closest friends is bisexual but he likes guys more than girls, and it doesn't bother me at all.
And all this "I don't mind people being gay as long as they don't do it in front of me" stuff, I think PDA is a bit yuck haha and so do most people, so most couples aren't all over each other in front of other people. Even if people were "being gay" in front of someone then they aren't being forced to stand there and watch so they could just leave or look away if it was making them feel uncomfortable!
People just need to stop having such dated attitudes about things and accept that it's part of modern life and there's nothing they can do to change it, and if they expect people to let them be happy in relationships then they should let other people be happy as well.

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One of the boys in my class is insanely homophobic, and I can't stand it. He was like "We should kill all the mentally retarded people and gays"

Okay first of all, NEITHER of those things are a choice. When did you choose to be not gay? Secondly, love is love, no matter who it is or what sex it is.

And the whole mentally retarded thing, you can't help having problems. It's not a choice.

Ugh. I detest that boy.

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Arghhh when people talk about other people being "retarded" or "spastic" as a joke it really get on my nerves. My brother's disabled so I've grown up around disabled children, and I volunteer at a club for disabled adults too. They've all got lovely personalities and their disabilities are just problems that you have to deal with, it doesn't affect who they are as people so they don't need to be shut up and locked away from the rest of the world.
The club I volunteer at go out for pub lunches quite a lot, and once they went to a different pub to the one they usually go to. There was about 8 of them including a couple of volunteers, and when they got there one of the staff members asked them if they wanted to sit upstairs away from everyone else (but he/she was really meaning that they couldn't sit downstairs with all the "normal" people). They left quickly after that, and sent a letter of complaint to the pub.
And when I'm out with my brother people always stare, because it's not really often that you see a 14 year old dressed like he's still about 7 and acting like he's about 7 too. I know it's because people don't understand, but they still don't have to just gawp at him with their mouths open. I imagine it's the same for all other disabled people too, whenever they're out in public they just get stared at and made to feel like they're not welcome.
Grrr, I could go on and on about this all day because it's something I feel strongly about.

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spastic and retarded were like the proper words to use and then everyone started going 'haha spastic' as an insult. I don't like it when people go 'haha that's retarded' because its basically taking the piss.

There was this woman with some mental disability at work and when her carer had helped her to pay me, this lady reached out her hand and took hold of my arm, she wasn't being aggresive, it was like curiosity but it freaked me out a bit cuz it was my personal space, i just sort of let her and didn't pull my arm away until her carer said 'no don't do that!'

I think people can't deal with being faced with people with disabilities because it's uncomfortable, you don't want to treat them differently but I always feel like I wanna just say 'it's alright, you're just like everybody else' but then that's treating them like they aren't 'normal' and they do need carers and such. Sometimes they can act unappropriately and no one knows what to do. At least they don't get shut away now, there's been groups on the bus and they're so happy and nice. I hate saying 'they' but typing disabled people all the time is tiring. I don't understand why people stare, espeically when they can see the carer is struggling, I just act like I would with anyone else because it makes it easier for everyone.

I'm a big equality nut so anything like this makes me angry.

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Wow, that sure is close-minded. My grandparents are really homophobic, especially my grandfather. Maybe it's the age, but I think it's rediculous to judge someone on that.

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I don't let age off as an excuse - maybe they were brought up that way, but they've had enough time to learn. If you stop learning at the age of 25 or whatever, then what's the point? Besides, the media tells us enough to make any idiot racist, homophobic, sexist etc even today, the whole point is that you learn to think for yourself.

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It really irritates me when people are just like sheep - they'll read something or hear something about someone else's opinions and then they're automatically like "That's what I should think/believe" without actually taking the time to think and make up their minds for themselves.

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I hate when people deny they're homophobic, and they are. And whenever people say "that's so gay" or "that's so retarded" Its really offensive.

And you can't help it if you love guys or girls, and its not your fault you're mentally challenged, it's just the way things turn out. Plus, I've met guys who are gay and they aren't that stereotype, and guys who fit perfectly in the stereotype and they're total pervs, but towards girls, so you cant tell someones gay just by looking at them.

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I HATE it when people say "thats gay"
It's so close-minded.

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I hate it when people blame things on the gay/lesbian, just cause they are gay/lesbain

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I have loads of male friends who are REALLY camp and everyone assumes they're gay but they're not, they're just intelligent and well dressed and make friends with girls. God forbid men and women should get on!

I call my friends gay as an insult, but it's just context because they know that I'm bisexual and it's not offensive. I'd never say it to anyone I didn't know. I also intersperse it by calling them hetro as an insult haha

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the worst thing I have heard as an insult to gay peolpe is when someone found out this guy at school was bi 'OMG! no one's safe!'

why do people assume gay people will fancy ANY body of the same sex, straight people aren't attracted to everyone of the opposite sex!

yeh when there was loads of flooding down south some bishop said it was cuz of all the gays and abortions.

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