1712 replies since 9th December 2008 • Last reply 9th December 2008

oi, my car stalled out while at the grocery store, it was a good thing my dad is a cop for that area. It felt great seeing seeing his patrol car pull up to save the day. But now I am without a car till our tax refund comes in on tuesday and I needed to run earrands tommorow...*Sigh*

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that is crappy. I am so hating this crappy winter weather

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I hate crappy weather too..make it go away! The ground hog better not see his shadow or i am sending evil sock creatures after it.

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get the bus sug!!!!

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I know where you're coming from MG. I inherited good ole' manic depression. I haven't slept in 48 long hours b/c I'm on a manic high right now. It wouldn't be so bad if I wasn't maxing out credit cards right and left. I do see an up-side to being mentally ill (and treated--unfortunately there's no cure); it's become my life's work. I work with lots of mentally ill/abused children and teens and it's so easy to relate and get through to them if you know how they're feeling. Unfortunately, if I hit a rough patch my co-workers aren't so understanding b/c I HAVE to miss work. I'm not offended by what Court said b/c I deal with "professionals" daily who look at mental illness in a totally fucked up way . . . b/c they don't know what it's like. God forbid, I share my story and get shunned. Hopefully I'll never step foot back into the hospital again, but if I do I wonder if they'd let me have my embroidery supplies ;} You've gotta laugh at this shit or you will truly lose your mind. I'm thankful everyday that I've survived through 15 years of mental illness and that I can help others on a daily basis who usually have no where else to turn.

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thank you for sharing kiddo

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go team Support network!

I'm such a nerd, and loving it

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I hate Walmart!!!!!!

Give me my $120 back or give me the camera I paid for you bastards!!!!

(I bought a camera yesterday, it didn't work. I went to return it. The camera I bought was not the camera that was suppose to be in the box so they are saying I am SOL.)

I'll be going back there within the hour, to talk to a different mananger.

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GAH! I'm learning to drive in a crappy ass stick shift with no brakes, shot suspension, and no left side view mirror, and the front right side turn signal is broken. Oh, and the clutch decides to sometimes work and sometimes not, so it'll fall out of gear whenever it feels like it.

OH, ANNNNNND the reverse doesn't work half the time.

HONESTLY! this shit SUCKS! My mother wont let my drive the streets, even though i handle this piece of crap like an expert, because its difficult to change lanes to the left with no side view mirror. So I just... DON'T get experience because she's cheap.

its like, what the hell am I supposed to do? Just never learn to drive?

My take on this, is even though I have to drive that piece of crap... when I get it down pat [which I pretty much have. I haven't stalled the last 5 times I've driven, I'm pretty much not going to], I'll be able to drive almost anything.

meanwhile, my mother's take on this is "even though you drive wonderfully, I think I won't let you get more hours because that would just take too much sense".

gah. IDK, Its not exactley her fault... but its just annoying as hell. When you KNOW you can do something, and its just legalities that keep you from it, and to go THROUGH the legallities you have to do a certain thing, which you are willing to do, but someone is keeping you from it because they don't think you can do what you KNOW you can do.

.... ... yea, I know its such a COMMON situation Happy But honestly... its just frustrating. I have to get a job, but everywhere close has a hiring freeze, and in order to get a job farther away, i need my license. I need a job to pay for my insurance, and for my independant study classes, etc. etc. etc.

I just have way to much to do to NOT have a license. its... frustrating.

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Well, they F*** me up the bootie. I am out of my money now. I will never shop at walmart again. Bastards!

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what! thats crazy, but this shit happens. Didn't they open the box to see if everything was in there first?

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Nope. But the manager says they are suppose to. So to her that means she did. They basically said that I was a liar and that I was trying to scam them. Because, there is no way that, that camera could've made it into the box at their store. Bullshit! I bought some medicine once and when I opened it instead of my pills, it was the lid off of a fountain soda. So don't tell me that this kind of stuff doesn't happpen. I am still super pissed. And it sucks being pregnant and stressed because I have cried about it all day

And on another note did anyone else's avatars get changed on them? Mine did. I'm going to change it back right now.

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poor you tara! Yeah i noticed everyone avatars got set back to their old ones, mine still isn't working at all!

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mine did too, but I a too lazy to redo it

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