You are right poopoo on the 46 year old. The 21 chick should you spf in her makeup, and moisturizers. Thats what I do. (=
spf is the best
aaagh so much stuff to do
Yeah the 21 year old that mostizers, nightcreams, and spfs are best for preventing premature wrinkles. And she just took the advice of the 46 year old. I will laugh at her hne she is thirty and freaking cause of the wrinkles.
awww crazy. I never use those creams, I just stay out of the sun, keep covered up and use make up with spf
i dont use creams,a nd when i use make up (which is rare!) i only use good qualty ones with spf and are a mineral base to prevent my skin from breaking out with pimples and the suchs. I dont think you should even bother being scared of wrinkles, they are a fact of life.
thats very true, and no one really knows if they work or not. Really, I don't care
I'm probably blowing this whole thing way out of proportion, but oh well...
I'm going to fail all my exams. Well, not quite fail, but do so badly that it's not even worth taking the exams in the first place. Biology's my best subject, but there's so much detail to remember this year and I can't get my head around it all. English is the easiest subject I do, but I don't think I write in my essays the things the examiners are looking for. Maths is bad, but I'm coping okay with this unit, I just can't do the questions in the exam. And chemistry... don't even get me started - I only just about understand the stuff we do so it's impossible for me to learn it. I reckon I'm going to get a B/C in Biology (predicted B), a B/C in English (predicted B), a C/D in Maths (predicted B) and an E/U in Chemistry (predicted B).
So with those grades I stand no chance of getting into uni in September. The offers I've got so far are (all have to be grades from Biology and 2 other sciences, so Maths and Chemistry): BBB, ABB and AAB. They're not even looking at English, so I just feel like it's completely pointless in me carrying on with it.
I'm sooooo stressed, and I'm ready to just give up and quit everything but everyone's like "Oh you'll regret it if you do" and "You can only do your best and that's good enough". But really that's a load of bull, because my best ISN'T good enough to meet those offers, so I'm just going to have wasted 2 years of my life (and they've been pretty horrible years too) all for nothing.
Sorry about the long essay of a rant, I'm just feeling so stressed and worked up and the fact that I have an exam tomorrow morning (and 5 more over the next 2 weeks) is really not helping my state of mind
Don't fret Izzy...you will be okay! Why so many exams...didn't your semester just start? Maybe you could get some tutoring...or even look online for test taking strategies...or study stratigies...or better yet...find a study buddy...it helps to have someone to study with sometimes, you don't get so stressed and when you go to take the exam you remember the material as though it were a conversation you had.
The UK college system is stupid, in some A level subjects you have to sit exams in January. Each A level is usually made up of 6 units with 1 exam for each unit, and you do 3 exams in each year of the course. 1 exam is usually in January and the other ones are in the summer (so some point in June). I was only meant to be taking 3 exams this January (1 Biology, 1 Chemistry and 1 Maths), but because I did badly in exams last May/June I've got to retake some of the exams (2 Chemistry and 1 Maths), bringing my exam total up to 6 in just over 2 weeks. One of the Chemistry exams is one that I'll be doing for the third time, and it looks like I'll be getting a D again *sigh*.
I had a sort of tutor last year (she's someone I know through volunteer work, and she teaches Chemistry at another local school. But it wasn't much help because she didn't know what was on the syllabus of stuff I have to learn, as at her schol they follow the International Baccalaureate syllabus rather than the A level syllabus, so they teach stuff differently and they learn different stuff to the things we do. Other tutors are pretty expensive and I can't really afford it at the moment .
Lordy, where are you applying for?
I will say that at least you're not an art student and you get grades set in concrete and stuff... with art it's such a gamble! i want to bury my head in the sand and ignore all university things.
Southampton want BBB, Cardiff want ABB, and Exeter want AAB (which is so gutting because that's where I really want to go). I've still got an interview at Royal Holloway before they make me an offer, but I don't think I'll go there anyway because it's literally 10 minutes up the road so I'd have to live at home so I wouldn't get that "move away from home and be independent for the first time" uni experience. But there would be some benefits to staying at home I guess, like getting my food paid for and all my washing done for me... . And I'd get to see my boyfriend lots rather than every month or so which is how it would be if I moved away. I haven't heard anything back from Bristol yet, but based on the other offers I'm guessing it's going to be AAB from them.
And I would really rather not go through clearing, because to me it seems like "Yeah we don't actually want you here and you're not up to our standards but we'll give you a place anyway".
What are you wanting to do at uni Roma?
Izzy - First of all, I know it's hard but STOP worrying! When you get into uni, which you will, you'll have to do the exam thing again so learn to stop worrying now about exams! You've got through a shit load already! There is always an option and most Unis take you anyway, there's always the clearing system. Which sounds bad when you put it like that but most Unis only want you for the money. I think the more students they have the more funding they get as well. You have got a second chance with those resits! Write a list of the exams you have to take and cross them off when you do one, buy something for yourself when you've done one even if it's just a takeaway.
read through all your stuff and take out key points, choose a topic an hour to revise a day or every other day, write and rewrite and try to write stuff down from memory. Didn't a tutor give you a hint as to what will be on the exams or any practise papers? Concentrate on these exams for now, not what's going to happen afterwards!
*phew!* I'm actually ranted out
Whoa. Those posts sure are a mouthfull Or a handfull. I dunno. (=
I hate that I don't talk to my hubby everynight anymore. I hate the Marine Corp for stealing my husband. Give him back! And I wish he had better service on his phone. Then maybe I could talk to him a little more.
awww everyone needs hugs. But RANTING IS GOOD
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