i hate me

86 replies since 5th December 2008 • Last reply 5th December 2008

Confiscated? Oh no!! How did that happen? Speaking of cameras... mine is literally... falling apart. It's been a trusty little pal, but I think it's time to put a new one on my Christmas list..... ^.^

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Haha for you guys, you're here at a sensible time. It's 1:10am here. I foolishly decided to stay up to watch the end of The Hole. Ah well, good times =)

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Oh - I always forget about the time with people over the pond. Happy It was especially difficult trying to keep up with a friend of mine while he was training in NZ. I'm pretty sure it was an 18 hour difference. ACK!!

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Oh dear! Yeah time differences mess with my head. I've got a friend in Canada but it's so hard for us to talk because when he gets off work, I want to go to bed

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Kind of like now. You want to go to bed but I won't shut up. So here's my moment of silence ::.............:: and your chance to escape! Run to your bed!!!! Dive!!!! Tongue

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^^ haha here it is 2:19 in the morning and We just came back from the graduation ceremony a few hours ago..
While I was filming the ceremony my camera begin to get some huge Problems on the rechargeable battery Happy

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Ooh I didn't realise you were German =) I love Germany. I'm going to Berlin for the Berlinales film festival in February, can't wait.

I will go now actually because my film is over and I have work in the morning. So night night fellas x

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Courtney - It feels worse now because of your age and because of other people, you're a tough chick I know and I know that you don't care what other people think, but even if you don't care what people think, it can still hurt and effect you on a subconcious level. It's something you have to learn to live with and love because it's yours, and yours forever. And in some women their tummy constantly changes - babies. Everyone has insecurities even the girls that don't seem to. Looking down at your tummy is different then looking at it in the mirror too so look at it in different angles. Sit ups help tone tummys, I don't want you to turn into an exercise freak or anorexic, but the sit ups might act like a placebo. Again it's your age, it used to be a new thing every week that i'd hate about myself! I've started to get really weird about having time to relax but relaxing makes me feel good! So go have a big hot bubble bath and read a book, that is your treat, food is part of your life it is not a treat it's something you just must do, so start an exersice programme maybe, doing the exersices will make you feel good and you could treat yourself to something new when you do a week with exercising everyday? Yoga is good for feeling good on the inside btw Happy

Jenna - you have a gorgeous stomach!!

Yep, it's society, and worst of all...it's other women too. Other women get insecure about something, so give you evils on something about you to make themselves feel better, but that doesn't help you! Tv, mags, etc...none of us think these women in the magazines are perfect, we know about airbrushing, but we still get funny about ourselves!

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^^ *g* that´s so cool..wish I could visit berlin too, but my boyfriend hates this city...he would love to visit Hamburg next year...But I also love Hamburg... so that´s Ok for me ;) Good night Kitten ^^

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wow its only 7.40 here....

yeah, most of the girls in my class are really skinny, and can wear bikinis and tight t-shirts. i want to be able to wear stuff like that...
and i've started doing sit-ups, in the morning and at night. my mom just got a excerise 'sculpting bar' so i think i might borrow that every now and then. but i have won half the battle already; i eat healthy and i eat when im hungry. not saying i NEVER eat chocolate or ice cream, but for the most part i watch my portion sizes and eat healthy alternatives to stuffs.

i love yoga. it makes me feel better :]

i mean, nobody teases me about it except for this one guy, but he stopped. we were all joking around and i was like "haha i have pudge points" meaning it as a joke and i thought people would let it drop but he didnt for a month or so it made me feel really bad :\

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ooh..I forgot.. qeenfairypants.. You are so true... It´s very difficult to say all the things I mean iN Englis..But that´s exactly what I was thinking about ;)

Yoga is a really good idea ^^ *yay*

I hate that you see all the perfect girls on tv btw.. I mean that´s not reallity.. We all could look like that if we had someone who take 4 hours only to make our makeup.
And I hate that you see boobs in every commercial at night.. My Boyfriend says it annoys him too. Because it´s just everywhere...

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Hey Queenie - thanks for the compliment! And it's so true that women are the biggest problem for other women! Instead of banding together, we tend to get jealous and catty. And that's normal to an extent I think - but not when the only way to handle it is cutting people down. We get upset about a friend who looks better or jealous over a boy and start nit picking the other girls - it's silly and very unfortunate, but so true! The trick is to try to surround yourself with positive people who will sort of deflect the negative things we get now and again. Happy

And Jess- I love your comment on tv girls! It's so true - but we still aim to be like them! Airbrushed and perfect - nobody's perfect! But we all want to be. It's silly. Tongue HAHAHA on the boob thing! But it's true.... boobs rule the world these days! I remember when the Pirates of the Carribean came out, and while Kiera Knightley is an A cup... in the Americas the poster was changed to make her about a C cup. I remember her commenting in a magazine saying 'those things are not mine' HAHAHA! Tongue

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i hate all the perfect girls. i hate Bond Girls. i DESPISE them. them and their skinniness...


and i hate that we all know that the girls on TV are airbrushed, but still wish we were 'like them'. We dont even know what theyre like!!

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I am Bond. James Bond. Hah. Okay, so i haven't seen any of the James Bond movies, but from what i see on the previews, all those girls do is have um ... fun ...with mister bond and run around wielding pistols!! So if you get mad at these 'perfect' girls, just think of ditzy barbies running around with guns. WHEEEEE!!!! Tongue

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I loooove James Bond. Just HATE the Bond Girls. Because it's just so unreal!! If some RANDOM spy came up to me and siad "the name's Bond. James Bond." i would NOT feel the urge to jump into bed with him.

they are barbies with guns...

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