who feels like ranting about their customer service jobs

62 replies since 16th November 2008 • Last reply 16th November 2008

Well he probably should have sorted it out before instead of turning up a few days before Christmas and demanding animals. And if his children are that spoilt that they can't wait two more days, then they don't deserve an animal anyway.

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KK is right. Animals need love and care

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2 weeks, and only one day off. Im like dieing... im soo tired, 9 hour days, busting my ass with a bunch of morons that dont see to know their ass from pastary bags. I am beginning to hate christmas. grrr....

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awww, soon I need to find a job

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*cries* The only reason I know I will be able to make it through work tomorrow is that I have both new years eve and new years off and I made some uber awesome plans.

But I am still dreading tomorrow with every atom of my SOUL.

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I am free for now

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u know what, people are crazy all year around

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I think the crazy budgie lady I posted about on the last page is out to scam us...
When I was speaking to her on the phone the Sunday before last, she was insisting that she brought her dead budgie in even though I said it wasn't necessary. So she came in, got her replacement budgie, and off she went.
On Sunday my manager said some lady who lives miles away had come with a dead budgie, and it was the exact same lady who was in the week before!
The more I thought about it, the more I started the think that there was something fishy going on... how had a healthy budgie die in less than a week? The first time she kept going on about complex diseases, and the second time she did that too. And she said she used to breed budgies... I reckon she still does breed them, and now that she's on our animal records for buying a budgie every time one of her budgies dies she'll just bring it in to us and get a free replacement claiming that she bought the dead budgie for us.
Stupid lady.

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the poor budgies! what's happening to them! uuurgh Happy

This woman demanded a refund while I was sat at the till with a trolley full infront of me! Ok, the woman who wanted to buy the trolley full had disappeared for a moment, but you at least go to the place the queue would go. She joined the other queue and said loudly 'I'll come to you because she's too busy' so I said, perfectly calmly 'the lady has a big trolley full, sorry', she wasn't the frikkin queen. People get confused with the layout of our tills, if I'm sat facing one way I'm not going to be serving you on the opposite side am i!? where there's no where to put down the stuff!!! Where there's no till in front of me! They put the stuff on the wrong side of the 'desk' bit too!

I hate it when customers shove money and cards and alsorts right in your face, hold it there until you take it, it's uncomfortable espeically when I'm putting their fucking huge ass shopping in a tiny bag because it's all we have! 'Two hands!' I feel like saying to them! And we keep running out of change.

I might work for a pet shop soooooon! but I don't want to see dead budgies and I don't want to discover that the animals aren't cared for properly in the shop! I hope I get the job though lol

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I know what you mean about the tills thing, we've got an information desk and so many people are like "Can I pay here?" or they just shove their stuff and money in my face even though there's no till and a sign on the desk that says "There is no till at this desk. Pet care information only".

Fingers crossed that you get the job! Happy

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people are strange

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we have these machines they can put the point cards in and get extra vouchers and this woman came up to me like 'do you know neither of those machines are working' really? well I work here every week day I think I might have noticed, but she kept fucking saying it at me, what was I supposed to do, I'm not magic, it's some bloody machine thing how am i supposed to do anything about it! I was in a foul mood all day and didnt even look at customers when i served them lol this woman came in 'hi, I bought this eariler today but when I got home the postman had been and I got these vouchers in the post, i have the reciept, can i have the extra points now?' are you fucking kidding me? you came all the way down here just to ask that? you don't get something for nothing and why are you so frikkin obsessed by it it's not your right to have these points you wouldn't get them in another shop, you didn't have the voucher get over it! people are so confused about half price things, how hard is it, it says half the marked price!

omg I feel so much better, this saves a lot of people hearing this over and over you know! I dunno when I finish but I asked, they don't know, but I'll get to go to this interview (forgot to ask to change the hours though) it will all be sorted apparently.

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its amazing how a rant will make you feel

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I've never done this much ranting in AAALL my life lol getting a bit stale now

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