Anyone play WoW?
I was wondering if anybody here plays World of Warcraft (WoW). I just started playing and im hooked. When im not crafting im playing's a link to my character....
i havent played it yet but i hear its really addicting
watch this though its funny
<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
I played wow for a year and half while my husband was away overseas...its addicting...say so long to your real life lmao! But it was fun
My main toon was a human chick, warlock guessed it ! Sugarlishes. I was the guild leader of Flames of fury on Shandris, i had many toons but that was my main..if you have any any questions let me know I can help ya out if i can.
it is....its extremely addicting...i think you tried posting a vid but its not showing up...=
hey thanx a character is named "leialicious" she's a human mage and i just made another character...she's an undead warlock i think. i havent leveled her up though.
oh really go to you tube type in blame it on halo three
by james at war
yu gotta let me know if its really like this
aight cool ill check it out tonight and let you know...=]
yep, for over 2 years now I'm a little burned out and not playing too much lately, but that's mostly due to irl crap. I have a couple of alts, but Ia is my favorite.
That's why my Husband isn't aloud to play MORPG's anymore. I was tired of the other "woman" . LOL
I played wow for about 3 months >_< Then I stopped paying for it cause I also play FF11 (final Fantasy XI) And I didn't wanna pay for to games *Cries* But then I found Guild Wars! And that game is pretty much like wow only everyone is human I enjoy it a lot. And its FREE!!!
I used to play, I quit all games though for school since I really needed to focus. I didnt find it that addicting though, not sure why, I just got bored. mahybe I will start again, who knows?
I've never played WoW, and I don't know why anyone would. Old videogames were the best. The old Sonic the Hedgehog games games were great. Screw MORPGS.
I played wow for a while. I had to recently quit thought because the latest patch was more than my poor ancient computer could handle. And with the new expansion coming out, I just figured it's good I found out now before spending the money on it, getting it home, and finding it won't fit on my itty bitty hard drive. No withdrawal pains yet, but it's only my third day without.
Wish me luck. Oh, BTW, my main was an undead lock named Shakarah on Lightbringer. <sigh>
I never played because I knew how addicted I would get. Instead I got to grill Timothy for ignoring me. When he played WoW last year, nothing could get his attention... and i do mean nothing. Haha. He was especially in trouble the day he came over after i hadn't seen him in a week.... just to attach himself to his laptop for the next 12 hours. Yes. TWELVE hours!! eesh!
i started playing again when the expanison came out. but will be out of game for a bit till i get a new laptop in jan. Cant wait , i love the new expansion. I love the deathknights...well i just love mine...unholy DK. :\D
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