I figure this is geeky...laptops and the like

Alright, so my second laptop just went crapola after two years...it still works...sorta (I'm typing on it now). My wireless card crapped out a year ago, so whatever, get a plug in adaptor. So I go and open my laptop today, and it starts to stick, the catch wasnt fully releasing, I finally get it open and I hear a crack!! I look, and my laptop screen is no longer in one piece, it cracked down the side and the rim around the screen opened up nicely.....

So, i doubt bestbuy will cover this, since they try to get themselves out of warranties as much as possible. And if they don't well, I need a new laptop.

I currently have an HP Pavillion DV900. And I need something with a really good video card, and lots of RAM (3d renderings for architecture), as well as lots of memory. 17" screen is the minimum.

Anyone have any ideas?? I dont know laptops well...and I am really hard on them, so some durability would be great.


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4 replies since 30th August 2008 • Last reply 30th August 2008

oh yah....the battery doesnt hold a charge anymore...thats a new development, like the last two weeks.

I give up, technology hates me.

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I have a MacBook and love it. It was a lottle more expensive but I don't have the issues I did with PCs. It's really user friendly and since my school requires I use Word and Powerpoint I just installed Windows 08 for Macs on it. The memory is great and the speed is even better. If yiou don't mind spending a few more bucks I'd go Apple.
Good Luck!

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Well I SUCK with laptops for some reason. Technology actually LIKES me, and I am pretty friendly with it, but for some reason... just... aroun dme, laptops like to DIE!

The best ones for me [like the one I'm typing up now] are the HP's, the newer ones. I've had some old ones and they SUCK SO MUCH MORE.

I'm not much of a "newer is better" kind of a person. I'm definatley an anarchronism, but with laptops, the newer is better... Happy

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i have a gateway, yes they still make those, and i love it. ive never had a problem with PCs OR vista

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