I've found an online version of my favourite game ever :) :)

I'm a massive fan of Nethack and I've found an original version of it online so you don't have to fiddle around downloading it Happy

Just in case you haven't heard of it before, Nethack is the original adventure game where you wander around dungeons collecting gold, buying stuff, casting spells and ultimately searching for this magic amulet. Its been around since the early 80s so there are no flashy graphics at all.

If there are so serious geeks out there who want to give it a try just copy and paste this link


You first get the option of being assigned a random character or you can choose for yourself. Once you get started your character will be a '@' sign and you will have a pet which follows you round and helps you to kill things. You move your character round using the arrow keys, you can check your inventory by pressing 'i', and you can pick things up by moving your character onto the item and pressing ','. There are loads of other commands and you can find them by pressing '?'.

If you want some info on the game there is an extremely comprehensive wiki online at http://nethack.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Page

Just thought I'd share that with everyone in CO&K land Happy

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2 replies since 29th July 2010 • Last reply 29th July 2010

Happy))))) Ahh, this is so cool, thanks Happy

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