What was the last movie you watched?

612 replies since 4th April 2007 • Last reply 4th April 2007

they made slaves do it I doubt they got paid much!!!!! We went to the met in NY and they had sooo much stuff it was really nice like the jewels and things it feels more like honoring them and their ways and putting it in a museum will mean it survives a loooong time. But yeh seeing a real mummy, eeeek! I love the blue and gold! They had this full room that seemed like a mock up of what some of Egypt would/might have looked like it was stunning.

Did I mention about Blood Diamond, that was a really good film I nearly cried so many times in it because the stuff in it probably happened for real. DiCaprio did a very good job of a south african accent.

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i agree with you Knittin' Kitten', alothough i love learning about them

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Sorry Knitten Happy I was on their website and I found the pic and really wanted it, it was only later when I remembered you hated him Happy I'll remove it, but you have to watch the film, it is awesome Happy

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The stuff has survived a hell of a long time anyway! How would we like it if someone came to dig up our loved ones and stick their decaying corpses in a tacky glass case for kids to stare at? It's really macabre.

Haha it's okay opposites, I don't mind too much. If you'd had that woman's face I would have run very far away! I will watch it when it comes out on DVD

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I didn't mean the corpeses I meant the other things, hey that's a thing most people arent so weirded out by mummies in museums but that German artists thing everyones like 'omgzzzz' although I wouldn't see that.


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Yup Evil Willow wooo (am currently on the last season of buffy, so im all full of willow love)

I saw that piece in the science museum in London, where the prisoner had his whole body sliced into a billion(not sure exactly) pieces and they were all scanned, it was the first time doctors could see he whole body like that, it was really cool!

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Last film was last night, called "Rec", a Spanish horror film.
SO damn good and pretty darn scary too. Great idea.

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Psycho and god damn its a better film than i ever remember it being

Anthony perkins for president

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The x-men trilogy. I have a scary obsession with the whole franchise- I've watched all the episodes in one cartoon series, half in the other, and have a big bin of comics. Oh, and the movies. Yeah.

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Simpsons mooooviiieee on the small screeeeen. First time I watched it I just thought 'oo it's just a giant simpsons episode' but the more I watch it the more I appreciate the story because it's not the usual way that they write, usually it starts with something really irrelevant that leads into the rest of the episode that's different to the beginning. It's amazing that Simpsons still entertains people.

I love the x-men films and I think I used to watch the cartoons.

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"Heima" the Sigur Ros tour documentary from their free gigs around Iceland in 2006. I was at the Reykjavík one, it was amazing and the film was so beautiful. I love Iceland Happy

Deathproof, it had a good story, but was very long!

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Les Petites Vacances!

So good! I love subtitles. Cat- do you know anything about the film Red Road? I hear it's a Scottish thriller and it's on near me in a couple of weeks- Could a wimp like me deal with it?

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Knocked Up - it was pretty good, made by the same people who made Superbad and I don't usually like American comedys, but they aren't so slapstick. Bit cheesy at the end and a lot of (i hate to say this) boy jokes but still good.

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Oh I finally saw the rest of The Orphanage. It's SO SAD! I was crying when she found out what she'd done.
And I don't feel too bad about the face bit because my brother said that it was horrible, even if it didn't bother him too much (he has a huge tolerance for these things) and that two people left the cinema when he went too.

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I'm glad you watched it all and it terribly sad when you figure it all out Happy

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