Random Fashion Stuff

Just random stuff you like, etc.

I'll start...

*drool* I need 60 dollars NOW

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31 replies since 23rd May 2009 • Last reply 23rd May 2009

This corset is just too gorgeous. *drool* I would feel like a night goddess in it. Oh, Heavy Red, why must you be so expensive?

I adore this skirt!

I would also love to get a black vinyl dress, a vinyl corset with some buckles on it, and new fishnets. I just ordered some adorable black velvet mary jane shoes which should arrive next week, along with some pyramid studs which I plan to decorate my favorite jacket with. I've been craving feminine, dreamy fashion lately... but I want to combine it with studs and boots.

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Oooh I love Heavyred, but they're so expensive. I like goodgoth.com...
Anyways, I love that corset! And that skirt, I have one like it, only it's black and has the zipper in the front.
I've been craving steampunk and victorian lately.

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Goodgoth.com is one of my favorite clothing sites, especially because they sell plus sizes.

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I love their jackets and tops, and the fact that they're usually pretty reasonably priced. But, of course, being a broke 13 year old I can only usually drool over them and wait till I have the money...

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also this

I think it will do me some good to be away from the internet for a week...

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Just checked out that goodgoth site - Cool! Cheers Happy I can feel my debit card warming up and its payday tomorrow. Have you ever noticed though, that you always see things you like when you don't have money and never when you do?

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That's never happened to me, actually. I just tend to look extra hard when I do have money, so that I'll find something cool and get a good deal on it, too.

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rainbow i have a skirt you would love its pencil like the ome above but on the front it has a zipper all the way down and buckels going across the zipper

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I have enough money to order that jacket! And my shoes should get here on monday.

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I want a new dress D:
A gothic aristocrat dress<3 cuz I love that style

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Ah me too, but I have no idea where to find one or how to make one Happy

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I want this

<a href="http://s227.photobucket.com/albums/dd224/meimeidesign/?action=view&current=ap090426040714__oPt.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i227.photobucket.com/albums/dd224/meimeidesign/ap090426040714__oPt.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

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sigh...I need money for this

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