When do you find yourself singing?
ah....im a bathroom singer!!!!!!!!!!!!!
what about you guys????????????????????
While I'm driving, sometimes while I'm at the computer. As long as music's on and I like it, I'll sing to it. I sing a lot while sewing, too.
I sing along to music when I'm doing housework and when I'm surfing the web. I'm a bit self conscious singing in the bath as our bathroom window faces out onto the balcony we share with our neighbours, otherwise I might consider it.
I sing all the time 24/7 even while I am asleep (jks lol) but I sing a lot I get told off by all my classmates
I sing to myself when doing the shopping in the supermarket - not out-loud but I sometimes think people will hear lol
I quite often sing to my 2 cats. They must hate me!! Once I was driving along with them in the back and singing and they start miowing everytime I sang then stopped when I was quiet
All the time! I hum to myself in the street & sing in the car and a lot at home. I sing whatever's in my head, which is quite often the songs in television adverts. It makes my housemate laugh (which is quite good as if she didn't find it funny, she'd probably find it annoying). My noisey neighbour was playing Kylie the other day, so I had 'I should be so lucky...' in my head.
all the time, my life is like a musical! Just can't help bustin out in song maybe a lil dance too.
In the car, while I'm doing the shores and stuff or drawing...every time I can...
I'm a total shower diva. But I also sing a lot in my room when I have my iPod or the radio playing and I'm in there half the day.
I try to take advantage of an empty street to belt it out!
See, I'm not so much a singer as I am an epic lip-syncer... I was lip-syncing just now to some Muse. Making faces and all. Lol.
I'm just like you, Libby. There's never a time when there's no song in my head
When I'm getting dressed in the morning, and cleaning up my space.
I rarely sing I have to be in a VERY VERY good mood to sing and even then its only songs from bed knobs and broom sticks if people hear me humming or singing those songs they know im in a good mood its my happy music although if iv had a bit too much to drink and bon jovi comes on you may catch me singing along hehe
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