When do you find yourself singing?
I hardly ever sing! Only if it's Christmas and we're having a family 'sing-song' haha ^^
I sing whenever I hear a song I know well. While riding my bike, while doing homework and housework, while I'm relaxing, dancing, crafting, shopping. I sing when it rains, cause that makes me happy, I sing to my babysitting-child (?) if he's unable to sleep. Or I hum the theme song of Harry Potter. I used to sing in the shower, but nowadays I'm more busy over-thinking things in the shower, so I hum. And I sing with my friends because two of them play the guitar, and it's really fun to make music together.
Oh, and I can't help singing along with movies like Grease and The Sound of Music.
I always sing in the car when I'm driving home late at night
When I am most happy. I just break out in song sometimes as I work on my projects.
Tasha M. Maybe your cats were singing with you!!!
I sing when I'm alone and can BLAST the music really loudly. Or if I'm in the backseat of someone's car and the people up front are talking and can't hear me. I'm self conscious.
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