For bloggers!

108 replies since 18th August 2012 • Last reply 18th August 2012

Well you don't have to paste it, you can just right-click on 'follow link' also.

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I nail and craft blog @ - I just discovered this thread and will go through and follow the previous posters Happy

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Hello! Happy I'm now following you!

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@thelittlevampirebat Oh, you don't have a 'follow me' button! You can find it under widgets in the layout section. Happy

And don't forget to follow me back, everyone! Happy

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Moderate: Hide this post Mark as Spam i would appreciate it so much of someone checks this out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thanks Happy

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Hello! Happy I'd follow you, but you don't have a follow button also!

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You have an awesome blog! Happy I hope you will get more followers! (That counts to anyone else aswell)

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Mahalo, @aneniine! I am following you on twitter now and will add your blog to my reading list shortly.

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ok so i just went through and added most people to my reading list on blogger. (for some reason at work it won't let me 'join' sites, so i just add everyone to my reading list.

anyway, i have 2 tumblr accounts and a blogger, which i tend to just write things now and then with no real theme on. is my general tumblr for mainly reblogging pretty things and posting snooker photos. is my 365 photography account. i just take a photo a day of something random with my iphone, instagram it then whack it on flickr and tumblr. is my blog. i'm intending to write more on the blog, but i only started it this year, and i'm trying to find what kind of style posts i want to write still.

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Mine is a mix of this, that, and the other, but you can click on the label "handmade" or "art" to see my crafting stuff.

Thanks for starting this thread, aneniine!

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You're welcome! Happy

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