Operation Christmas child

Not sure if I posted about this last year too (I can't remember!), but does anyone else do the samaritan's purse operation Christmas child shoebox appeal? I just started getting a few bits for mine today.

For those who don't know what it is, basically you wrap a shoebox in Christmas paper, and fill it with gifts for children in various countries who would get no gifts at christmas time otherwise. I love doing this, and did it when I was a child in school too. Happy

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7 replies since 16th August 2012 • Last reply 16th August 2012

I know this is kind of late but i do operation Christmas every year. I normally do two boxes a year and might be helping to back the boxes next year Happy

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i did two boxes this year too Happy i'd love to be able to go and help in a warehouse or on the distributions, but the warehouse is pretty far from me and i don't drive!
Do you make any of the gifts for your box?

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Often the local school makes bags to go in the boxes but i haven't really been crafting for long so probably this coming Christmas i will make some items. What about you?

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I always go to the Denver processing center. I love it

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Don it every year for about 6 years. OCC is THE reason I started crafting and everything I learn to make I put in Shoe Boxes. It is an awesome project !!!! Talk about the ideal place for our craft projects.

Thanks for bringing up the subject.

For those that want more information: http://www.samaritanspurse.org/index.php/OCC/

9 Million gift filled shoe boxes in 2012 !!!!!!!!!

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I've never heard of that, but it sounds awesome! How would I get into something like that?

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Go to the website so you can see how to fill a shoe box then on the site you can find a local drop off place and the national collection week for the drop off dates.

Watch some of the videos they are incredible. Some of these kiddies have NEVER had a toy or a candy. Its just an incredible project. They make it possible for you to send things that to us are of little to no importance to a little person who will treasure ANYTHING even a simple picture of you and letter they can't even read

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