For bloggers!

108 replies since 18th August 2012 • Last reply 18th August 2012

blurrymind, I can't find the follow button in your blog!

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@PinkWeeds - I'm following your first blog! Happy

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@silene6 I'm on bloglovin' the other day i saw how you can follow blogs without using bloglovin but I forgot how or what I did. I'll figure it out and let you know, unless someone can help her/us out??

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I've already found it, I'm following you ^^

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Yay! lol

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Great Blog, aneniine <3

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Thanks! Happy

Every time somebody says that, it makes me smile!

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Thanks. Love your blog!

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No more bloggers? :o

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My blog's name is

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Hi di hi folks ... I started a blog however I have been lucky enough to get my own website!!! Yay!!! and too Happy

Loads of free tutorials! I will be putting them all on, a new one every day ... So keep checking in and subscribe! Yay!

Thank youuuuuuu xxx

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i have a few blogs on different sites, i forget to update them sometimes though :S i will link when i have updated them and added follow buttons if they arent already there.

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@Elizabeth W. - I'm now following your blog! Happy
@Kawaii B. - Where can I follow you? I'm not really into bookmarking anything, i'm the follower kind of person.
@Dragoness - feel free to post a link to your blog(s)! Happy

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i cant find the widgets. akdsjkaljfdasfjas -_-

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How to add Blogger Follow button (this is shown for old blogger, but it's kinda the same now)

How to add social site buttons

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