Tell us your fave five =]

Whether it's the programme you love on the sly or the song say you hate but absolutely love, tell us your favourite five.
For me it's music

1. Futurism - Muse
2. In Bloom - Nirvana
3. The A Team - Ed Sheeran
4. It's Not The End - Lostprophets
5. Girl With One Eye - Florence and The Machine

Songs, films, tv, trees.... go on, fess up.
You know you want to =P

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12 replies since 10th July 2011 • Last reply 10th July 2011

1, Favourite band, Fall out boy
2, Favourite food, bacon sandwich
3, Favourite film, you've got mail
4, Favourite author, James Patterson
5, Favourite colour , royal blue

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Favorite music: 90's music
Favorite author: Johanna Lindsey
Favorite food: Salad they are sweet and sour at the same time.
Favorite color basically rainbow except white and sometimes green.
Favorite drink: Dr Pepper.

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I hate Lady Gaga the person(or the person we see in the tabloids) but I love her music.
I tried to resist liking Greys Anatomy because it was so popular but ended up loving it.
oh and....I love cucumbers but hate pickles. Happy

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Lab Coast [band]
Whitewater kayaking [sport]
Providence, Rhode Island [place]
John Milton [author]
Tim Horton’s iced coffee [greatest thing ever]

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fave 5 animals:
3.guinea pigs
5.more of them!
also cows, chickens, sheep

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4.Harry Potter

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My five! Edc 2011, insomniac web radio, crazy hats, beyond wanderland, and bollywood dancing! Happy

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hmmm I'll have to make mine a fave six. I forgot Grounds for divorce - elbow. Possibly one of the best songs ever.....
@Nikki I love chipmunks too =]

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My Five (in no particular order)...

1. Playing Video Games ( Mostly adventure games like Zelda but I've been into Amped 3 since getting an xbox 360)

2. Teen Damadies (PLL, Secret Life, Chloe King)

3. Anything Vintage (Movies, Fashion, Magazine Covers)

4. Polyvore (

5. Sewing

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My favorite random things. In no order because I can't choose.

1.) Makeup
2.) My sphynx cat
3.) Nail polish
4.) My boyfriend(corny, but oh well.)
5.) Books

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In no particular order

> Seven Brides for Seven Brothers
> Jimmy Eat World
> Tennis (watching - I have no hand/eye co-ordination!)
> Star Bars
> Jeans

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lol, i have terrible hand eye co-ordination too! I also want to take up drumming so that should be fun.... hmmm, might give that one a miss.

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