
Dunno where i should post this really....is anyone really into excercising? I really want to get rid of my baby belly! I'm a size 10 but still have my wibbly belly and i want it gone! What would be the best way? I'm guessing sit ups but aint got a clue how many i'd need to do and how long until i'd see results. I've started eating a lot better too cutting out junk and eating a lot more fruit as snacks. Happy

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3 replies since 5th July 2011 • Last reply 5th July 2011

I exercise about an hour or more every day as of late. It's impossible to get quick results but if you stick to something long enough, you'll get results that stick, too.

Cutting out 100% of junk food all at once is going to shock your body a bit. I tried cutting out candy entirely and after a week I just felt like crap. I added *some* back in and I've felt quite a bit better since.

Drinking cranberry juice instead of pop is a good idea, too.

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cheers, i've been cutting the junk out slowly really as i love chocolate! But now i'm preferring greek yoghurt with honey and strawberries when i want something sweet! Happy Cranberry juice is a good idea,it clear all your insides out doesn't it?

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dark chocolate is actually good for your health fyi Happy I've gotten into the habit of crunches and I walk every night Tongue

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