Whats your worst fear?
I'm terrified of falling from a height. So you could say scared of heights, but mostly afaid of falling/jumping from the edge. I HATE those stupid staircases that have no backs on them or are see through! The ones that have both are my worst nightmare, like the ones in the Apple store in London!!
Unwanted pregnancy definitely a huge fear of mine.
Fear of dying, I don't want to die obviously
Afraid my cat will run away and I'll never find her.
Butterflies, a stupid irrational fear, which stems from a trip to the butterfly farm outside Dublin when I was a kid. Also moths.
New situations, new people, going out on my own, I work myself up and almost get panic attacks grr
Roma, maybe lunchroom?
yeh my teacher says 'bistro' really sarcasticly
I'm scared of falling from heights, can't bear it up step ladders and in Florence in Italy we climbed the stairs to the top of the cathedral and the last set were so steep and so much worse climbing down them! They were concreate too. I was shaking all the way down but probably because there was a LOT of steps.
I'm not scared of dying I'm just scared of pain. I used to get so scared about my dog dying that I had a dream that she was dead in a shoe box, and we had to get her put down but she was still walking around like it took ages to take effect, in the dream.
We went up Notre Dame in Paris and I didn't make it up the crickity old wooden stairs to the tower, I had to wait on this tiny narrow bridge overlooking the square, it was gross. I went up the first level of Eiffel Tower which was also horrible, it was windy and I just thought I would blow off!
The worst was the Grand Arche in Paris, which has a lift to get up the top, but the lift is glass!!! and there is nothing on any side of you, just the inside of the huge arche! Oh man I hid my head in Stephen's coat!
<div class="thumbnail"><a href="http://skitch.com/northern-star/gtu7/grande-arche-de-la-defense"><img src="http://img.skitch.com/20080219-n2gcccicc8xifthpctkb74ijr.preview.jpg" alt="Grande_arche_de_la_defense" /></a><br /><span style="font-family: Lucida Grande, Trebuchet, sans-serif, Helvetica, Arial; font-size: 10px; color: #808080">Uploaded with <a href="http://plasq.com/">plasq</a>'s <a href="http://skitch.com">Skitch</a>!</span></div>
I am always having horrible dreams about Tara my cat getting lost
I used to hate heights, but now I love them. I'm not sure what happened to change that, I just think they're wonderful. Even if they make my knees knock together, and even if I want to throw myself over the edge, I love them.
Well with the help of my boyf, I have been slowly conquering my fear of heights. He has made me climb all these buildings and I think we waited an hour for me to decide to go up the Grande Arche lol
I just try not to go to close to the edges haha
I am DEATHLY afraid of shots, seriously you cant tell me before i get shots, i WILL lose sleep over it and have nightmares.
and once, i had to get three shots (it wasnt that long ago....). I THOUGHT i was ok....but then i saw all three needles and started BAWLING. Seriously, all-out BAWLING. Sobbing and everything...
I fainted when I got my TB tester thing! but it was hot and I was hungry!
I'd rather have a needle then the polio thing, made from old socks and sea water!
I am not afraid of injections, but I did pass out when I was giving blood, the first time coz I looked at the nurse pulling out the needle lol then I was weak and I passed out later too
I always think shots are going to be horrible, but they never are. I just link them to sweets in my mind because that's what the nurse gave me when I went to get my MMRs when I was kiddo.
I loved getting the Heath Test for the BCG. It looked like i'd been bitten by an electric toothbrush.
I normally scream when I'm getting a shot or having blood taken. I just scream at the top of my lungs and cry all the way through it, then faint. No good.
I'm kinda scared of unwanted pregnancy, but only because I want so much to be a mother that it would kill me to have an abortion, but at the same time I wouldn't want to bring up a child at sixteen.
I don't wanna bring a child up not even at 19 age is just a number and you know when you're ready and I would never be able to have an abortion. My mum's collegue just lost her baby, it took her ages to conceive first time and she looses it at 7 weeks it's not fair! The NHS is so shit it was obvious something was wrong but nooo wait three hours then go home /rant, I feel bad for writing this!
my mum said when I was having my MMRs I was only scared because it was an asian lady giving me the injection and I'd never seen an asian person before (I'm not racist at all btw)
I would definatly faint if I had a blood test or gave blood, apparently they do blood tests on pregnant women loads!!! I want to give blood though my boyfriends mum would have died when she was giving birth to him if it hadn't been for a blood donor.
my stomach has gone all tight and knotted with all this talk of pregnancy.
I constantly thank modern medicine that I have not had a baby yet! I can have great sex with my bf of almost 10 years and not have to worry about it, I still do of course, but you know, not like it would have been about 50 years ago. As you said QueenFP, it's not really to do with age, it's preparedness and a lot of other things, the older I get and the more I think about it, I don't know if I will ever be ready for a sprog, or if I want one at all.
Gosh I remember when I was 16, my mam was pregnant and when my lil sis was born I wheeled her around in her pram like she was my own. I was so broody and couldn't wait for it to happen to me when I was older of course, how things change.
yeh I was at my aunties house and got very broody with my cousins being 4 and 6 months, even though being left on my own with them for only 10 mins drove me crazy! But you get help being broody. I would think people would think it was mine if I was wheeling a baby round espeically these days. I used to be almost scared of kids because I was so scared of pregnancy lol
The only thing for me really is the fact that it's hard to get my head around how my body works, and would it would be like with a baby in there, and what would it be like as a mother, I would like to spend time with my baby and maybe not work for a bit like my mum did, but I'd also hate feeling like a house wife, which I won't be if I stick with this one for 10 years (and more we hopes) like you Also I like the young couple in love whole lives a head idea
We'll be damn cool parents!!! but they all say that, I'm a bit weary of how things may turn out because my mum and dad seemed to loose the love and now they are divorced.
I love the word sprog and yes hurray for medicine!
I was babysitting my cousins and one of them ran into a door and had to get stiches I've been put off by having children since then
you know im also of people with rapist smiles/looks and people that sneak up on me and people who I think are stalking me
They scare meeee
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