Whats your worst fear?

51 replies since 19th February 2008 • Last reply 19th February 2008

I'd miss reading, internet, cut out and keep, this board, making stuff, seeing things more then music.

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I'm am scared of spiders bigger than a quarter. And scorpians. And asking anybody out. I wish I had the guts to tell a guy I like him.....

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I'm TERRIFIED of when people put their hands or anything bad. I've never actually SERIOUSLY hurt anyone, especially because people learn NOT to do it, but I have knocked the breath out of my friend Mat once... lol ALSO, I'm afraid of SMALL spiders. I LOVE tarantulas [I CANNOT SPELL that!] and HUGE spiders, because I always know where they are. But its all the baby spiders that are itsy bitsy and can crawl in your ear and up your nose and in your mouth and everywhere. ELAFKLJAFKJHASDFJKA I read if a few different places that on average, a person will eat 8 spiders while asleep in their lifetime.. AHADFLHJAFLJDASLFJ ... [those things are me shivering and yucky-ing out! lol]

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someone hurting my childre thats worse to me then being buried alive or anything

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im scared of stairs with gaps between the steps its weird but true

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I'm scared of people in costumes, they always come for me! (you know like Mickey Mouse and Such) I am also scared to order pizza or whatever, freaks me out. I don't like going anywhere new by myself, I never make it all the way through the door, I walk in and walk right back out.

Wierd I know. (=

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I'm a bit like that tara I get really uncomfortable on my own in shops and stuff I walk really fast and feel traumatised!

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