
2228 replies since 14th February 2008 • Last reply 14th February 2008

they took away your hoodie?

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yeah well bcuz of the uniforms, were not allowed to wear outside jackets inside the school. so they took away both my long black sweater and my hoodie. i got bofum back, but....yeah. heres the 'policy' on jackets:

Once in the school, only the school uniform may be worn. Jackets, coats or non-uniform
sweaters and sweatshirts should be left in the locker if brought to school.


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School has changed a lot since I was a kid.....

....but yeah....I gotta take 2 more exams and i'm done with college...hopefully forever!

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well we go to a special charter school, the curriculum is called IB [international baccalaureate]. we have to wear uniforms. so...yeah. its supposed to be better than other school, but out of my 8 teachers, i only actually learn from 3: science, english, and math.

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okkk, but couldn't they give you a warning?

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Hey everybody! Just so ya know, I'm off for 3 days of dental assistant training in Augusta - so I haven't poofed out of existance.... I'll be back Wednesday! HappyDDD Wish me luck! Happy

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good luck gypsie!!

yeah michelle they could but they dont do they...

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what if you get cold and get numonia! (I'm not even gonna try to spell that the right way lol)

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pshaw. pnuemonia is nothing to me. ive had it twice. i was a sickly child XP

they dont care anyway...

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ooh I forgot I got birthday money today off my dad Happy

saw madagascar 2 as well, i didn't find it racist but it wasn't as good as the first, good but not as good.

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Birthday money is awsome! Happy Bpday.

I have a case of the never ending sneezes. Blech

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i luv birthday money!! yeh madagascar 2 wasnt as good. but i loked bolt. FULLY AWESOME.

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I has fever

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hugs michelle...

I watching the simpsons right now.. Can´t wait to see supernatural later ^^*yay*

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Happy I am watching castrato, a bbc doc.

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