
2228 replies since 14th February 2008 • Last reply 14th February 2008

I love the look on your face! Definatley says WTF?

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Bow down to the rice krispy god!! I lost him years ago but you have found my little lost rice krispy god!! woot The world will be mine for the taking !!! mwhahahaha!

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I just had a hot cocoa....it was delicious....now i'm hungry...

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hehe bow down to the rice krispy god!!!

hot cocoa is yummy

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i really would like a home made quilt and crochet slippers. I will trade a box of sugar-ie sweets for some. Its so cold!

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Haha. That's a good idea! I couldn't imagine trying to make a quilt, though! Wow. I had this grand idea when I was little.... it's so embarassing. You ready? Okay, so when I outgrew all my favorite undies (haha) I would chop them up for the little designs in the front (LOL) and I thought if I chopped up enough i could make a quilt out of them. EWWWWWWW. I mean it was just design on the top, but still! Who the heck wants an undie quilt? LOL!!!!

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thats almost the same idea i had but with my kids little tshirts with those cute quotes and cute animals and stuff Happy but i dont have patience for sewing a quilt.

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This is very true. Not only do you have to sew the whole thing, but don't you have to lightly stuff each square? Ack. Bless those people who actually do it! Happy

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lol ^^

erm... I think I start to do some homework now .... ^^ It´s 4 o´clock and alredy dark here :/

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My best friends mom made some AWESOME quilts...I loved 'em...and for my birthday one year she made me a lion king quilt....and sadly...it never made it home....so...I think it's gone forever...I MISS IT!

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I am really happy i got 14 ppl so far in my vday swap Happy Happy gimmie more. gimmie gimmie *does happy dance*

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So excited, collecting my baby rats on my birthday (22nd dec), thought I was getting 2 but the breeder said I can have up to 4!!!!!! Yay!!!!!!

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i made a new binder cover! X]

it says 'original fangster' w00t

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I just slept for like 4 hours. Its a four hour nap

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I really want a glass of coke...but its upstairs and I hurt my tailbone and can't get up

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