
2228 replies since 14th February 2008 • Last reply 14th February 2008

exams ugh

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here are pics of my hair cut...

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omg you are so beautiful!!!

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I'm bored whats going down everyone

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oooo pretty soft blond hair ♥

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haha, thanks you guys for saying that about my hair...yes, I like my hair...

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I secretly love the TV show The Hills even though it's cheesy as heck and I don't usually watch stuff like that.But I secretly love it oh and Laguna Beach.

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Me too Sun but you didn't see me say that....

Appt went good. 10 fingers 10 toes. I lost the ultrasound pic in Target somewhere or I would post it. Due June 28th. (=

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ooh thats my birthdate

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That's cool. I'm hopping it holds out until June 30th. Gray's birthday is 8/30/03 Liam is 7/30/07 so that would be cool if this one is 6/30/09

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Oooh. OOoooooOOOOooooohhhhh! My Birthday is in 4 days!!! I will be 24 for the 2nd time. (=

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i post on this thread WAYY too much
but anyways
i love my outfit
and i must tell someone


black tight, black knit skirt [short-ish], black quarter length sleeve turtleneck, black and grey pinstripe fedora, 4-inch purple heels

i love it, it makes me wanna dance X]

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AWESOME TARA. That'd be cool if it was that 8 30 and all that. Now I'll be able to remember your Kid's birthdays. Happy

I don't knwo why I'd need to, but oh well. lol

oh, so... I crocheted some slippers.

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OOoh crocheted slippers. I bet they are nice. One color or bunches?

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WTF. Deformed Rise Krispy. I hadn't taken a bite out of it, i swear.

bizzare. i look WAYY too confused though. meh.

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